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by Mark Towfiq
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Pages 14-15

(9) April 3rd, 1926

Dear Spiritual Sister:--


Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated January 24, 1926.


He hopes that after this long vacation you have had you are ready to begin spreading the Cause in New Zealand with even greater energy than before. The people there seem to be broad in their outlook, receptive to any idea which helps the human family from decreasing its burden.


Shoghi Effendi was most chagrined to hear of the sudden death of your son [1] and wishes me to extend to you his deepest love and sympathy.


There is no special news here except that we have removed to the new pilgrim house. Miss Baker is well and very busy entertaining the friends and arranging the new home.


Shoghi Effendi as well as the other members of the family are well and send you their love and greetings. They earnestly pray for your success and hope to hear, before long, the news of your many victories in the field of services to the Cause.


Please convey my loving greetings to your son and daughter.


Yours most sincerely,


Ruhi Afnan


[From the Guardian:]


My dear fellow-worker:


I wish to express in person my deep sympathy in the heavy loss you have sustained. May the Beloved Comforter strengthen you and sustain you in your bereavement. The memory of your visit to the Holy Land is still fresh and vivid in my mind and I pray and supplicate at the holy Shrines that your labours in the Cause may yield an abundant harvest.


Your sympathising brother,


Shoghi The first combined National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand was formed in 1934.



1. [Rev. Oscar Blundell]