
"The True Seeker must, before all else, cleanse his heart..."


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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 176-177

"O thou who art directed unto God!..."

O thou who art directed unto God!


Thy revered wife, Mrs. ........, is indeed confirmed by the fragrances of the spirit and rendered victorious by the hosts of the Kingdom. Verily, she hath abandoned comfort and ease; calleth in the name of God in those regions; hath remained firm in God's religion; and no power of test hath shaken her. Rest thou assured! Her light shall shine in the globe of the love of God and her face shall be illumined with the light of God's bounty!


I pray for a heavenly blessing to descend upon the heart of [thy wife], for she arose for the spreading of God's fragrances. I ask God to protect thee and her from the winds of trial. May thy tongue be moved to utter beautiful explanations and may the hearts of the people of Johnstown (N. Y.) become tender, so that they may be guided to the Fountain of the Water of Life and be illumined by the lights shining from the kingdom of heaven.