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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 534-535

"O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!..."

O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!


Be thou thankful and grateful to the favored maid-servant ..., for she became the cause of thy utmost joy and bliss; she delivered thee from the narrow way of doubts and imaginations and ushered thee into the delectable meadow of happiness and beatitude. She led thee from the inferior world to the exalted realm of divinity; she took thee away from darkness and guided thee to light, and while thou hast been deprived, she made thee confident of the mysteries of the Kingdom.


I supplicate God that the coverings may be removed, the Beauty of Truth become apparent and evident; in order that thou mayest be taught in the wisdom of God, become a great teacher in the world of humanity and all thy desires be attained.***