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by Mark Towfiq
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Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Page 565

"Announce greeting on my behalf to the two young..."

[1] Announce greeting on my behalf to the two young Japanese [2] and say:


"His Imperial Majesty, the Mikado, became the cause of the material progress of Japan. I hope that you may become the cause of her spiritual development. This is the principle of progress.


"Unless man maketh spiritual progress in the world of spirit, intellect and heart, he cannot gather universal results from material advancements. Now you must gird up the loins of endeavor and reflect duly, so that you may quicken the people of Japan through the spirit of God."



1. [The following extract from a Tablet as received bore no opening line of address.]

2. [Refers to the recipients of the preceding Tablets.]