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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 664-665

"O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..."

O thou who art firm in the Covenant!


I am ever busy with the remembrance of the friends, praying and supplicating at the threshold of His Majesty, the Merciful One, and seek aid and assistance for the beloved.


Concerning the journey of Mr. .........: The friends of the west put forth their efforts and helped until the means for the trip were made ready and he left for India in perfect comfort and is now busy with the diffusion of the fragrances. This service of the beloved to the Kingdom of Abha will be the means of great bounty, a magnet of strength and power attracting assistance and providence in the divine realm.


The beloved of God must take thought night and day for the spread of the fragrances and for the promotion of the Word of God. They must send criers and messengers (teachers) to all parts of the world. Every soul who is himself able must ignite the candle of guidance, illumine the hearts with the light of knowledge and, if possible, they must travel to other countries of God. Thus may the confirmation of the Holy Spirit arrive and the breath of life reach other souls.


The purport is this: I am made happy and am pleased with the souls who have furnished the means for the journey of Mr. ......... I pray for them and supplicate for bounty and blessing on their behalf.