Re: Galatians 5:4 THS XARITOS ECEPESATE: what kind of genitive?

Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 21:06:38 +0100

At 14:38 12/10/96 -0400, "David L. Moore" <>

>Lightfoot also treats ECEPESATE as Carl does, but the only example he
>gives is from a classical author, and I wonder if Koine would understand it
>that way.

Louw-Nida has this note on EKPIPTW:

6 The meanings of parapi/ptw, e)kpi/ptw , a)postre/fomai , and a)fi/stamai
appear to focus upon the initial aspects of dissociation. As such, they
constitute a reversal of the process of joining or beginning to associate.

To the question of whether this process of reversal is initiated actively or
suffered passively there are alternative answers proposed by L-N in their
comment on Ga 5:4

"Note, however, that the underlying structure of the expression th=j
xa/ritoj e)cepe/sate really involves `turning away from God who has shown
grace.' For another interpretation of e)kpi/ptw in Ga 5.4, see 90.72. "

"90.72 e)kpi/ptw : to no longer experience a state or condition - `to be
outside of, to experience no longer.' th=j xa/ritoj e)cepe/sate `you no
longer experienced (God's) grace' Ga 5.4."

The latter seems in line with one of the main meanings of EKPIPTW in L.S.&J.

"2. to fall from a thing, i.e be deprived of it "

Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

[using Eudora Pro v 2.2 ]