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Conditional Statements

Noticing the converse about I John 2, I want to post a questionon
conditional statements which I am sure has been answered many times and
in many ways through research work.  As I purchase grammars< I see two
schools of thought with the EI + (indicative) emerging.  One school
states that this represents a apodosis which is presumed to be
fulfilled, called a "condition of fact".  This also has its opposite
"condition contrary to fact".  I believe AT Robertson falls into this
school of thought.  The other school is the one which states that there
is no such thing as a "condition of fact".  I would believe Smyth falls
into this category.

        Can someone lay out for me what is considered the more accurate
conclusion, and give me a rough guide on how to handle these occurrences
I find in the NT.  While no one should rest their interpretation of
doctrines entirely on these conditional statements, it would help to
clear up some areas for me in some doctrines.  If readily available
please give me some bibliographical information form some grammars that
I may read up on.

Larry A. Hartman
Defense Language Insititute Alumnus
Department of Arabic Studies