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RE:Manuscripts of the Greek Bible by Bruce Metzger

Chuck Stevens wrote:
I don't have ready access to such a library, but would be interested in
obtaining such a book for my own library.  Does it contain complete
facsimiles of all of the included MSS, or just representative exceprts?
Exact for-sure title?  Is it still in print?  Publisher, etc.?

Exact Title:  Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Indroduction to Palaeography, Bruce M. 
Metzger, Oxford 47.95 (current CBD catalog).

This is a thin book (160 pages) with a *sample page* from each of the most important 
manuscripts. The photographs are OK, better than those in the smaller books. The 
accompanying text is classic Metzger, clear, concise and illuminating. I don't own the 
book. I get anything I want for free through my local library. 

Clay Bartholomew
Three Tree Point