Re: Contra Expositor's GNT

clayton bartholomew (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 11:09:10 +0000

Yes, I realize this thread is exhausted, but cannot resist the
temptation to express a contrary point of view. I have the Expositor's
GNT in my library and it is down on the bottom shelf right under A.T.
Robertson (another book I never use).

Then only time I used Expositor's GNT was when I was living in Astoria
OR and was studying Jude. It was the only thing I had on Jude so it was
better than nothing.

My main complaint with the Expositor's GNT is that it is too brief. I
prefer to use something like H.A.W Meyer (English translation) which
spends a lot more time discussing syntax. All these resources are old,
but so what? Calvin's Institutes are old but we still read them. The
whole notion that biblical scholarship is making *progress* is one that
I find rather hilariously utopian.

Clay Bartholomew
Three Tree Point