

Dear Colleague:
     Please post this notice in a place accessible to doctoral students.
                         A CALL FOR PAPERS
Koinonia Journal, a national graduate student forum published biannually at
Princeton Theological Seminary, is seeking submissions for the fall and spri
ng issues of 1994-1995. We seek papers which explore emerging areas of inter
est in the study of religion and which are likely to foster interdisciplinar
y dialogue. The submissions are reviewed by an editorial board comprised of
stu- dents who specialize in one of the following disciplines: Old Testament
, New Testament, theology, history, religion and society, history of religio
ns, mis- sions and ecumenics, or practical theology. We are also looking for
 reviews of significant books recently published in these fields.
     Each fall, the editorial board of Koinonia Journal hosts a forum for gr
aduate students and professors at Princeton Theological Seminary. The editor
s select a central essay for this forum on the basis of the essay's relevanc
e for doctoral students in the study of religion and its potential for inter
disciplinary dialogue. The editors then solicit responses to this paper from
 among the above disciplines. Both the central essay and the responses are p
resented on the night of the forum and are subsequently published in the spr
ing issue of the journal. The cost of attendance at this forum is defrayed f
or the author of the central paper and for those who are chosen to respond.
If you are submitting a paper for the fall forum, please also include a one-
 page abstract of the paper with your submission so that we may solicit resp
ondents. The deadline for submitting a paper for consideration as the cen- t
ral essay for the forum is March 30, 1994. If you would like to be considere
d to serve as a respondent at the next forum, please indicate so in writing
by April 1, 1994.
     Koinonia Journal also publishes a fall issue. This fall issue is an ope
n issue and consists of four to five essays. For the fall 1994 open issue, t
he editors of Koinonia Journal encourage submissions which confront the theo
logi- cal questions surrounding homosexuality. We would like to approach the
 theological issues from as many angles as possible. This could include, but
 would not be limited to, the following: 1) an exploration of themes importa
nt to present-day theologians [e.g., recent conceptions of how one knows wha
t one knows and how one justifies any given theological position] and the im
plica- tions of these for one's moral and ethical stances with regard to hom
osexuality; 2) an exploration of the ancient conflicts over hermeneutics, th
e role of tradition, the importance of biblical texts, etc. conflicts which
predispose us to disagreement whatever the particulars of the question at ha
nd; 3) an exploration of relationships between ancient and modern notions of
 sin and salvation that appear to be operative in any given stance toward ho
mosexuality; 4) an exploration of any of these issues with an emphasis on th
eir historical and practical implications. The space here is obviously inade
quate to do justice to the myriad of things that we mean by both homosexuali
ty and theology. However, these are meant to be suggestive of the topics whi
ch we consider of special interest for the fall 1994 issue of Koinonia Journ
al. As always, papers on other topics will also be considered. The deadline
for submitting a paper for consideration for publication in the fall 1994 op
en issue is March 30, 1994.
     The spring deadline for receiving 1000-word book reviews is February 5,
 1994. The fall deadline for reviews is July 1.
     Full manuscripts are required. Manuscripts which do not meet these dead
- lines will be considered for future publication. A style sheet is availabl
e upon request. Submissions should be sent to Koinonia Journal, Princeton Th
eological Seminary, P.O. Box 821, Princeton, NJ 08542-0803. Both submissions
 and subscriptions may also be sent via Internet to KOINONIA@PTSMAIL.PTSEM.E
DU. Subscription rates are $12 for students ($18 for individuals, $24 for in
stitu- tions).

Gregory L. Glover
Executive Editor