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Does This Analysis Make My Text Look Fat?

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 2:11 pm
by Jonathan Robie
On Monday, 24 November, Micheal Palmer and I will be presenting the first glimpses of work we have been doing to make syntax trees and morphology more usable in various contexts at SBL 2014.
Greek Syntactic Analysis for Humans (“Does This Analysis Make My Text Look Fat?”)

By exposing the internal structure of a text, syntax trees represent important elements of meaning, and can be used to explain difficult constructs, teach Greek reading skills or for syntactic queries. But the phrase-structure syntax trees most widely used in biblical studies are redundant, complex, based on theories that are no longer widely accepted, and poorly model the function of the Greek verb. We combine the strengths of dependency grammars and phrase structure grammars to create a more flexible and powerful model. We use a hybrid approach. Some features of Greek syntax, such as Noun Phrases and Prepositional Phrases, neatly fit traditional phrase structure categories. Verbs do not. We represent verbs and their relationships with phrase structures in terms of a verb's arguments. We have created an analysis using this model, based on the Global Bible Initiative (formerly Asia Bible Society) Greek New Testament syntax trees from (a phrase structure treebank) and the PROEIL treebank of the New Testament created by Dag Haug (a dependency structure treebank). Using Koine Greek texts, we present new ways to visualize the structure of Greek syntax that are simpler and more closely fit the language. Users can examine texts directly, choosing whether to highlight phrase structure (our Phrase View) or verbs and their relationships to surrounding constituents (Verb View). The same model can be used to better support syntactic queries and for teaching the Greek language.
This primarily affects querying and displaying texts. I'm going to start separate threads on each.

Re: Does This Analysis Make My Text Look Fat?

Posted: November 18th, 2014, 10:30 pm
by Stephen Carlson
Too bad we're giving our papers at the same. :(