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Intro - Phil

Posted: November 27th, 2017, 8:54 pm
by jphosey0724
Hello all!
My name is Phil and I've had an interest in biblical languages, especially Hellenistic Greek, since I was a teenager (I'm 45 now). It seems that I could never stick with anything for very long as my interests would constantly change. Once I got old enough to realize I need to actually work and make money I concentrated on teaching myself a couple of programming languages and I've been working as a software developer for 20 years now. I've always wanted to get my Greek up to the level necessary to read the NT and LXX fluently, with full comprehension and so I have made this my goal. Am I nuts? Perhaps. Maybe it isn't even possible, but I'm going to try anyway. I'm not sure how or why but the fires of passion got lit within me about 6 weeks ago to renew my efforts and so I pulled my mostly unused copy of Mounce's BBG along with workbook as well as a copy of Croy's grammar off the shelf and have been working through them since. I'm about halfway through both of them and will probably go through a couple of other grammars and graded readers and anything else I can get my hands on. I'm still contemplating the possibility of obtaining some sort of degree in biblical languages and linguistics, perhaps even a career change, but this may be only a pipe dream at my age with my current financial obligations. Well, that's my story in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to reading the forums and hopefully I'll be able to contribute at some point!