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trouble finding digital images of two codices in Greek (philos. gr. 202, Wien; I R 14 Escorial)

Posted: August 9th, 2019, 2:19 pm
by gesdol
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Can't find any digital repository (viewing images of folios) for two manuscripts:

Cod. philos. gr. 202
Vienna (Wien)
, Austria
I assume it's in Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Wien
(There is this list but anything like "philos. gr." isn't there)

I R 14 in Escorial, Spain
(I've seen it typed various ways:)
I. R. 14
I - R - 14
(One source says after the name of the codex: erat [="it was"] III. Δ. 5 ; IV. I. 1 (but this is of no help))

Could someone help?