Bible Windows software

From: Randy Leedy (
Date: Wed Jul 24 1996 - 16:35:18 EDT

Philip Graber mentioned Bible Windows software as matching GramCord's
ability to search grammatical constructions. I am not yet familiar
with Bible Windows, although I hope to review it (along with its
companion Windows version of GramCord) this fall. For some reason it
seems not to have gotten the media exposure that the other programs
have received. Thanks, Philip, for the note.

Philip also queried whether GramCord has ever added LXX and Hebrew
capabilities. I believe the PC version is still limited to the NT. I
know little about AcCordance (the Mac version), but I am told that
Hebrew and LXX are available. I think there is an extra charge for
each version. If I remember correctly, Harry Hahne (whose web page I
referenced in the previous message) called AcCordance the most
powerful grammatical search program on any platform. Additional
information on GramCord and AcCordance is available at

In Love to God and Neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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