My errata

From: Al Kidd (
Date: Thu Jan 08 1998 - 02:00:59 EST

Re: The article for abstract nouns

  Proofreading my own material is an exercise
that gives me about as much reward as a winless,
Monday-morning quarterback gets when he critiques
the poor performance he showed during Sunday's
game. Both of us with downcast eyes say that we
will do better the next time.

But as respects my posts, and particulary my last
post, let me say:

   I apologize for my errors in transliterating
the Greek symbol for rough breathing with the H
reserved for eta (e.g., my errors with uses of
HO and HIPPOS, which should have been hO and
hIPPOS, respectively).

   Also, I would have done better had I not
written ". . . functions grammatically similar
to . . ." I should have written something like
the following: ". . . grammatically functions in
a manner similar to . . ."

   And I apologize for the logically erroneous
statement ". . . to more than one real being
besides the Almighty God"; I should have written
". . . to other real beings besides the Almighty

   I wrote: "It is the context for such predicative
uses of QEOS in the writing either of an early
Christian or of an ancient Jew that will indicate
whether that nonpejorative use of QEOS functions
in . . ." I should have written the following:
"It is the context for such predicative uses of QEOS
in the writing either of an early Christian or of an
ancient Jew that will indicate whether certain
nonpejorative uses of QEOS function in . . ."

   My apologies to the list.

Al Kidd

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