Re: Marcan Leitmotifs

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Thu Jun 18 1998 - 07:01:36 EDT

At 5:29 PM -0400 6/17/98, Edward Hobbs wrote:
>Carl Conrad's response to the posts by Carlton Winbery and myself on
>Mark's use of "the Way" and analogous themes raised a question about
>Mark's use of ARTOS, and ARTON FAGEIN. The answer is, Yes, it has been
>noticed (at least by me), written up initially in 1958 in my _Gospel of Mark
>and the Exodus_ (long out of print, like almost everything of mine), but
>developed further in later years but not hitherto pulished except for
>consumption by my graduate students.
. . .
>Here is a catalog of Mark's use of ESQI-/FAG and ARTOS:

Edward, this is splendid! I didn't think that the recurrence could have
escaped you, and your list of occurrences is very nice. It has occurred to
me that, although it doesn't include the words ESQI-/FAG or ARTOS, perhaps
this catalog should include the mention of ZUMH in Mk 8:14: "the yeast of
the Pharisees" and "the yeast of Herod," as part of the motif, especially
as it leads into the dialogue about the two feedings and "having no
loaves"--and the warning against the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast
of Herod is another of those cryptic pieces in the Marcan narrative that
probably point to something contemporary with the writer.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243

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