From: Francisco Orozco (fran4@rtn.uson.mx)
Date: Tue Jan 12 1999 - 16:21:01 EST

    Studying for sermon preparation in Phi 4.5 I became very sure that the
term EPIEKEIS means (at the very least) "gentleness" (most commentators
interpret the term by adding synonyms that basically mean "big heartedness"
or "a forbearing spirit". Then having just found the NET Bible, I was
surprised that they translated the same term by "steady determination" which
contextually may even mean something contrary to what
"gentleness/yieldingness" means. I checked the other times the term appears
in the NT in the NET Bible, and there they consistently translated it as
"gentleness". See 1 Tim 3.3, Tit 3.2, Jam 3.17, 1 Pet 2.18 - the term is
translated "gentle" (as in most major English translations. Cf.. EPIEIKEIA
in Acts 24.4 "graciousness" & 2 Cor 10.1 "gentleness").
    Two questions (1) since I did not find any variant reading in the text,
is "steady determination" a legit translation of the term? (2) perhaps
someone working in the NET Bible is on-board, or someone who might know what
they would translate the term as if found in their version, may give some
info about it.

Thank you,
Francisco Orozco
Hermosillo Sonora Mexico

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