Re: John 7:39

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 07:55:05 EDT

Dear Carl,
     I agree with what you wrote about John 7:39 and John 1:9 KJV, except
for one small point. You write:

I believe that most editors and readers now understand TO FWS TO ALHQINON
as the subject of HN
ERCOMENON, a periphrastic imperfect, but we should remember that this verse
was understood and translated in the KJV with "He" = John the Baptist, as
implicit subject of HN and TO FWS TO ALHQINON as the predicate nominative
(and ERCOMENON EIS TON KOSMON as an anarthrous attributive participle to be
construed with ANQRWPON ("which lightens every man that cometh into theworld."

Carl, I think you should say that in the KJV of John 1:9 "He" = Jesus
Christ. Jesus Christ was the true light. Verse 8 in the KJV says about
John, "He was not that Light."

                                              Harold Holmyard

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