Re: EK -EX

From: Steven R. LoVullo (
Date: Wed May 03 2000 - 01:24:31 EDT


There is no difference between EX and EK. The preposition proper is EX, but
EK is used before words beginning with a consonant, while EX is used before
words beginning with a vowel. The reason for this is euphony (i.e., it
sounds better). The Greeks did not like interconsonantal sigma (i.e., a
sigma that comes between two consonants), which is what you have if you
place EX before a word beginning with a consonant, since X is really the KS
combination. So, for example, if you used EX with PISTEWS, you would really
have EKS PISTEWS. Note how the S falls between the K and the P. This is a

Steve Lo Vullo

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: Biblical Greek <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject: EK -EX

> Hello -
> I have another question. This comes from working through Galatians 3.
> uses the phrases EX ERGWN NOMOU and EK PISTEWS frequently, apparently as
> contrast. My understanding of the difference between EX and EK ( as well
> EIS and EN) is progression (movement) and position. Is this always so, or
> might they be use sometimes interchangably? What impact does Paul's use
> these two prepositions make in this section? Are there other places where
> may examine the uses of these as contrast or as complementary?
> Thanks for your insights.
> Dale Greenlee
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