[b-greek] RE: [b-Greek] Re: Targum and Jewish Greek [was: Semitic ... Speech in...Paul?]

From: Daniel Buck (dbuck@briercrest.ca)
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 15:26:10 EDT

Dale and Randall (et. al.)

I have not followed all of this thread but am intrigued in the lack of
mention of the Epistle to the Hebrews in this discussion. Kistemaker claims
that the book is indeed a "midrash-pesher" of Ps 110 and that the other key
citations find prominence in the book due to their midrashic exposition
which follows. I would be interested in hearing your comments on the role of
the Targums and other interpretive grids (e.g.. Qumran, those
"non-representatives of Judaism") which may have influenced the use of the
OT citations in Hebrews.

Dale, you wrote

> On the other hand, I'm not so sure that, looking
> at the Koine papyri, that there really was a *significantly* different
> "Jewish" Koine, as opposed to a hellenized or latinized one. I'm
> persuaded
> by Hengel, et.al., that 1st century Judaism was so decisively
> interpenetrated by Hellenism that in many many (if not most)
> case, they no longer knew the difference
> (eg., Daube on the origins of Hillel's rules of interpretation).

I am working in Hebrews on the processes by which the author (and we'll
leave the designation at that) read and interpreted the OT scriptures. I
believe there are a couple methods at work at the same time. First, in the
interpretive details of the handling of the citations the author seems to be
employing midrashic techniques which creates a surface structure for reading
and connecting the various passages. At the same time though a complementary
method, possibly sourced in the systems of the ancient rhetorical handbooks,
is used to convey more fundamental purposes of persuasion. Is this the kind
of interpenetration you allude to in Hengel? (BTW could you pass along the
bibliographical info on this work, Thanks).

In His Service

Daniel E. Buck
Assistant Professor of NT/Theology
Briercrest Bible College
510 College Dr.
Caronport, SK. S0H 0S0

"If you lack knowledge, what have you acquired? If you have acquired
knowledge, what do you lack?" (Midrash Rabbah Numbers 19.3)

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