[b-greek] Re: Acts 9:31 - Church(es)

From: QashishaD@aol.com
Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 14:09:00 EST

In a message dated 19/01/01 1:52:06 PM, emory2oo2@hotmail.com writes:

>My additional comment would be that even a phrase like the "Church at X,"
>where X represents a specific city, there would still be a plurality of
>meeting places (namely, at various residences).
>Perhaps if we define Church more fully, there would not be a
>misunderstanding. Such as:
>Church.B - building
>Church.L - local congregation
>Church.U - universal
Yes, Mark, exactly. But the definition is that of b-greek. What I find in my
research leads me to believe EKKLHSIA was used principally of U (universal)
and secondly of L (local) as a subset of U. Use of EKKLHSIA as B (building)
is lacking, but analogies where made to EKKLHSIA being like one. The "Body of
Christ" term seems specific to the U usage, and I've yet to find an instance
of NT or Patristic plurality for this term.
    Dimitri Grekoff

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