[b-greek] Re: Gal 4:18 EN KALWi

From: Harry W. Jones (hjbluebird@aol.com)
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 22:36:53 EDT

Dear Steve,

You posted;

> on 10/11/01 4:01 AM, Harry W. Jones at hjbluebird@aol.com wrote:
> > With all due respect to Carl, I feel like hO AGAQOS is being used
> > attributively with respect to EIS in Mt. 19:17

I believe made I made a mistake about hO AGAQOS being attributive. I
believe hO AGAQOS is actually a predicate adjective with hEIS functioning
as a substantive for hO QEOS. Therefore hEIS ESTIN hO AGAQOS would be
equivalent to, hO QEOS ESTIN hO AGAQOS. But in any case, I believe hO QEOS
predicates hEIS.

> On what basis? The structure here suggests a subject-predicate relationship
> between hEIS and hO AGAQOS (Wallace lists hO AGAQOS in this verse under "The
> Independent or Substantival Use of the Adjective"). Furthermore, third
> position adjectives are exceedingly rare. And when they are found, they have
> an appositional sense to them. This clearly doesn't fit here, since it would
> yield "one, that is, the good one, is." Is what? We are left with no
> predicate, which makes no sense in light of the question Jesus is asked and
> the first part of his response to it. Is Jesus simply stating "the Good One
> exists" or "there is One who is ultimate Good" with the implication that if
> you want to know about good, he is the One to consult? If the former, he
> hasn't really said anything that complements his rhetorical question.
> > and upon closer examination I believe that TOIS AGAQOIS is being used
> > attributively with respect to TOIS DESPOTAIS in 1 Pet. 2:18. And all the
> > different translations that I have looked at, seem to bear this out.

I havn't seen one translation,that translates TOIS AGAQOIS as a noun but
only as an adjective. Also,if it is being used as a noun then it shouldn't
agree with TOIS DESPOTAIS in case, gender and number like it does. So
I just cann't see it being a substantive.

> I checked ten different translations and found not one that rendered TOIS
> AGAQOIS as an attributive adjective. Rather, every one has a comma (or even
> a semicolon or a period) somewhere between "masters" and the articular
> adjectives in question. Though TOIS DESPOTAIS is *understood* with TOIS
> AGAQOIS KAI EPIEIKESIN and TOIS SKOLIOIS, these adjectives are in no way in
> an attributive relationship with TOIS DESPOTAIS. Rather, as indicated by the
> presence and intervention of OU MONON, an *additional idea* is being
> expressed, with OU MONON modifying hUPOTASSOMENOI and the dative articular
> adjectives functioning as substantival direct objects of hUPOTASSOMENOI (see
> Perschbacher, _Refresh Your Greek_, p. 933). Note that both UBSGNT 4 and
> NA27 punctuate with a comma after DESPOTAIS.
> > That would seem leave only two possible substantive uses of AGAQOS. One
> > in Ro. 5:7 and the one you mentioned in Mt. 5:45.
> As I said in my last post, these are not just possible, they are certain.
> --
> Steven Lo Vullo
> Madison, WI

Harry Jones

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