[b-greek] Re: Pronunciation Help

From: Andrew.Wergeland@mf.no
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 01:49:40 EST

>Does location make a difference in pronunciation? My profs studied primarily
>in Canada and England (except for Bruce Fisk, who did his PhD at Duke, I

I am an American living in Norway and learned Koine here. I remember my
teacher talking about being an "exchange teacher" at Luther College in Iowa
and having to change his pronounciation for a summer in order to make it
more in line with the Anglo-american tradition. I assume we in Norway are
most influenced by a German pronounciation tradition, but probably with a
Scandinavian twist. As an example, we do not say "p-NEW-ma", but rather
"p-NEV-ma". EU is "ev", AU is "av" (a as in father), OU is "oo" (as in
room), C is palatal not velar (but I think the Swedes might do this
differently) and U alone is pronounced as a Norwegian "y" (like saying "ee"
(as in meet) with rounded lips).

Stud.Theol. Andrew Wergeland
Fakultetslærar (vik.) - Det gamle testamentet (Hebraisk) /
Faculty Teacher (temp.) - Old Testament (Hebrew)

Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet /
The Nowegian Lutheran School of Theology
Postboks 5144, Majorstua
N-0302 OSLO

Tlf: (+47) 22 59 05 00 (sentralbord/switchboard) / 22 59 06 10
Fax: (+47) 22 69 18 90
E-mail: Andrew.Wergeland@mf.no

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