[b-greek] Re: 1 Cor. 2:7 - prepositional phrase modifying a noun

From: Andrew.Wergeland@mf.no
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 04:21:11 EDT

>> I think it more likely that EN MUSTERIWi modifies LALOUMEN/SOFIAN than
>Why the slash? Grammatically it could connect to LALOUMEN, but semantically
>it seems to go with SOFIAN, just as THN APOKEKRUMMENHN modifies SOFIAN.
>The context contrasts human wisdom with the wisdom of God. Paul does not
>want to speak with human wisdom when he proclaims the "mystery of God" (v.
>1). He did not want their faith to depend or build upon the "wisdom of men"
>(v. 5). But, Paul did speak in wisdom among the mature (or the believers),
>not the wisdom of this age or its rulers, but the wisdom of God, that wisdom
>which is a mystery, which is hidden - until it is revealed by the Spirit.

I see what you mean and I think I agree. But even BAG (1979) has it
modifying LALOUMEN (p. 530). I wonder if this has anything to do with
MUSTERIWi being bound in a prepositional phrase. Somehow makes it easier
(at least for me - my mother toungue is English) to connect it with the
finite verb than a noun. I know that it is possible to connect a
prep.phrase to a noun and that we do it all the time. But it still seems a
litte forced here (although NOT because of the context).

Does anyone have anything worth reading on prepositional phrases modifying
nouns as opposed to finite verbs - especially when it comes to placement in
the sentence?

Stud.Theol. Andrew Wergeland
Fakultetslærar (vik.) - Det gamle testamentet (Hebraisk) /
Faculty Teacher (temp.) - Old Testament (Hebrew)

Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet /
The Nowegian Lutheran School of Theology
Postboks 5144, Majorstua
N-0302 OSLO

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E-mail: Andrew.Wergeland@mf.no

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