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Chronological Appendixes

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Appendix 1 – Chronology (approximate) of Saisunaga and Nanda Dynasties

Serial No. King (Vayu Purana) Length of Reign Vayu P Length of Reign Assumed Probable date of Accession Remarks
1 Sisunaga 40 } } 600
2 Sakavarna 36 } } ...
3 Kshemadharman 20 } 136 } 81 ...
4 Kshattraujas 40 } } ...
5 Bimbisara 28 28 519 Built New Rajagriha; annexed Anga; contemporary with Mahavira and Gautama Buddha; voyage of Skylax, cir. 500.
6 Ajatasatru 25 32 491 Parricide; death of Mahavira, cir. 490; death of Buddha, 487; built fort of Pataliputra; wars with Kosala and Vaisali
7 Darsaka (Harshaka) 25 25 459 Nothing known
8 Udaya 33 33 434 Built city of Pataliputra
9 Nandivardhana 42 } } 401 Nothing known
10 Mahanandin 43 } 85 } 40 ... Nothing known
Total 332 239
Average 33.2 23.9
11 Mahapadma, etc. } } } 361
12 9; 2 generations } 100 } 40 }
13 Chandragupta 24 24 321
14 Bindusara 25 25 297
15 Asoka 36 40 272 Tibetan tradition reckons 10 reigns from No. 6, Ajatasatru, to No.15, Asoka, inclusive; and places Asoka’s accession in 234 A.B. (Rockhill, Life of the Buddha, pp. 33, 233). He is said to have visited Khotan in 260 and 254 A. B. (J.A.S.B. 1886, part 1, pp. 105, 197).
Death of Asoka cir. 232
End of Maurya Dynasty cir. 184

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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