Melinda's Poetry

Though I'm not a very prolific writer, I do have two poems of which I'm rather proud. The first poem, Star's Wine, was written in the late 1980's.

Star's Wine

When you invited me to share a glass of intimacy,
How was I to know
I would walk with you
Through a night wrapped like black velvet around us
To find shooting stars and the voice of a rogue fairy.

A simple offering of wine and pleasant company,
Which I readily accepted,
Not expecting to discover adventure in the dark of Georgia pines.

A sip of coolness, sweet and pink,
That led me to the blush of dawn,
And the child-like wonder on your face as we loved.

That night will stay with me
Bottled in my memory like a rare wine
To be savored,
Drop by precious drop.

The second poem is one that I wrote in the early 1980's. Though the title, Starfish appears to be similar to the first poem, I didn't plan it that way. My first experience reading this poem before an audience led me to believe that it was easier to have others read it for themselves. So here it is!


You cling to the red coral reef with fleshy suckers as
Your strong mouth lowers to the oysters huddled there.
Each yields to your patient ministrations,
Opening wider and wider as if to sing your praises
While you suck their lives into your stomach.

Perhaps I am stronger than those oysters,
My shell will cut you in two.
I will not be left behind,
Part of an empty chorus.

Even so,
You will simply glide away
To regenerate
And feed again.

Now the interesting thing, at least to me, is that many people think the second poem is about sex. However, I actually wrote this about a relationship with someone I felt was trying to absorb me. So think about that feeling for a minute, and read the poem again!
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