Communication Magazine

Masthead / ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 2, Number 6 / June 1, 1995 / Page 1

cover thumbnail image
The Electronic Schoolhouse: Thinking
about Computer Technology in Education

Editor's Page

Cover Story
- The Kids Who Would Be King: Electronic Publishing, Self-Esteem, and the Rocky Road to Expertise
Andy Carvin, EdWeb's webmaster, illuminates the changing role of the sage in society, and hints that today's students may be tomorrow's next generation of experts.

CMC News
- The Cutting Edge: News in Brief
Chief Correspondent Chris Lapham rounds up some news tidbits of interest to those on the education front: David Rothman's plan for TeleRead, a digital library project; and Professor Peter Owen's International Student Newswire service.

Special Issue Features
- The Information Highway: Littered with Roadkill?
Barrett Mosbacker asks what happens to moral, cultural, and functional literacy when educators focus on computers in the classroom.

- Beyond the Hype: Planning for Computers in the Classroom
While some schools are committed to integrating computer-mediated communication technology in the classroom, Arden Rauch outlines a two-part strategy for developing implementation plans that so many schools are sorely lacking.

- What's a (Teacher, Parent, Administrator) to Do?
How should educators react when confronted in the classroom with the Internet's seamier side -- the online adult bookstore phenomenon? Steve Stratford offers a thoughtful approach that lets cool heads prevail.

- Desktop Video?
Educators will need to adapt to the rapidly changing technological environment where a single computer will be used to edit full-motion video -- replacing entire studio complexes. Ed Andros offers his views on how both students and teachers can prepare for this future.

- Book Review:
A Starting Point for Educators on the Internet
For educators looking for a reference to educational resources on the Internet, Jill Ellsworth's Education on the Internet, reviewed by Amelia Deloach, provides a basic starting point.

- From the Nets
"Don't Tease the Orangutans": A Sampler of Fun and Educational Web Sites by Kirsten Cooke

- The Last Link
Change and the Public Forum: A Student's Perspective on Online Sexism
In exploring sexism in online forums, Camille Shandor argues that the actions that women are taking to counter gender bias are tepid at best.

Letters to the editor always welcome: