Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
Masthead /
ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 2, Number 3 / March 1, 1995 / Page 1
Editor's Page
E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts, and Other Cultural Formations in the Late
Age of Print
In her novel Pentimento, Lillian Hellman advises her best friend
Julia to "Take Chances!!" Now, it's your turn. Writer, educator, artist,
and hypertext theorist Nancy Kaplan presents us with an intriguing
challenge to explore the creative possibilities of hypertext.
Are You Decent?
Senator James Exon's new Senate Bill, the Communications Decency Act of
1995, is causing an uproar in the online community. Some netizens
are calling it the greatest challenge yet to the First Amendment.
Kirsten Cooke's news report sheds light on the issue and the varied
responses to it.
The Cutting Edge: News in Brief
Chief Correspondent Chris Lapham rounds up the latest in CMC News: the seizure of a Finnish Postnews server by Interpol, the resurrection of the WebAnts project, and the first G7 International Communications Policy conference.
Book Excerpt:
Computer-Mediated Communication and Community
We are creating new worlds, and our imaginations and thoughts will be the
forces that colonize the electronic frontier: Steve Jones's romantic vision
of a wired society is artfully presented in this introductory chapter
from his new book of essays, CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication
and Community.
Book Excerpt:
Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online
Classroom in Higher Education
A look at the introduction to the second of three volumes by Zane Berge and Mauri Collins, which examines computers in the educational environment.
Well-Constructed Gophers: Is Your
Gopher Golden?
The Internet Gopher has proven to be a popular tool for
delivering information, but how do you make a "golden"
Gopher? Jeff Kosokoff presents a schema for
appraising and improving Gopher servers.
Electronic Feedback: CMC Magazine Visits The Netoric Cafe
You are cordially invited to "eavesdrop"
on the virtual debates that followed our January special issue, "Previews,
Predictions, Prognostications." Various "technorhetoricians"
met in MOOspace to discuss pedagogical issues with
Netoric founders Tari Fanderclai and Greg Siering.
Cybersmith: Tales of the First Coffee Shop on the Infobahn
CMC MagazineGraphics Editor Jason Teague reviews what he calls "the
latest evolution of cyberspace," a coffee-klatch establishment in Cambridge, Mass.
called "Cybersmith." It's a place where technojunkies go to combine the two C's
which keep them all moving -- computers and coffee, but in a public space
rather than a basement apartment.
- From the Nets . . .
Women on the Web by Lisa Schmeiser
Of Style and Substance by Lisa Schmeiser
- Mbox
Vic Moberg responds to Laura Gurak's February Last Link.
- The Last Link
Ubiquitous Computing vs. Radical Privacy:
A Reconsideration of the Future
Consider Porush's Law: "Participating in the newest communications technologies becomes compulsory if you want to remain
part of the culture." David Porush embarks on a Talmudic journey toward understanding "future culture" in his response to Steve Doheny-Farina's October, 1994
Last Link.
Letters to the editor always welcome:
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