A selection of contradances by David Zinkin

Grampa Greg

 1.    Almd Left N 1½
 2.    W chain
 3-4   Pass thru (acr), sw pt
 5.    Men almd left ½ to a wavy line; bal
 6.    Sw N
 7.    Long lines, f & b
 8.    Star right

Back From Vermont

 1.    Sw N
 2.    LL f&b
 3.    Star rt ¾ to long wavy lines, men fac out, W in
 4.    Bal; almd L (shadow)
 5-6.   Bal & sw pt
 7.    Circle L ¾
 8.    Sw N (again!; then onto sw with next)

Claudia in the Tub

 1-2.   1's bal & sw in ctr, fac dn
 3-4.   1's dn ctr, turn as cpl, return, cast off same sex
 5.    LL f&b
 6.    2's sw in ctr, fac dn
 7.    Handy hd almd N, twice
 8.    2's ½ fig 8 around 1's

The End is the Beginning

 1.    Almd rt N 1½ to wave of 4, men ctr
 2.    Bal, men almd L ½
 3-4.   Bal & sw pt
 5.    ½ prom
 6.    W ch
 7.    Star L
 8.    Dsd NEXT (almd rt same to start anew)

The Magpie and the Seal

 1.    Star right below
 2.    Star left above! (previous opp cpl)
 3.    Dsd N 1¼ to a wavy line, W ctr L hd
 4.    Bal; almd rt N ½; men pull by L
 5-6.   Bal & sw pt
 7.    W ch
 8.    ½ hay, W st rt sh

Darling Karla's Star

 1.    Star right ¾ to long waves, men fac in, W out
 2.    Bal; almd L
 3-4.   Bal & sw pt
 5.    M almd L 1½
 6.    Sw N
 7.    Circle L
 8.    Star L

Cheery O'Leary

 1.    1's almd L ½ to a wave of 4, N by rt; bal
 2.    Sw N
 3.    Pass thru acr, almd rt N
 4.    W almd L 1½
 5-6.   Bal & sw pt
 7.    Circle L ¾
 8.    2's ½ fig 8 around 1's

King's Ransom
Becket (dbl prog ccw)

 1.    Rt diag W ch*
 2.    Face acr; W almd rt 1½
 3.    Circle L 3/4
 4.    Sw on the side (the one you ctsy trnd)
 5.    R & L thru
 6.    Men L diag; almd L 1½*
 7-8.   Bal & sw pt
    * Including any couple that might be out at the bottom

Josh's Beckett

 1.    LL f&b
 2.    W ch
    Square through as follows (3-4):
 3.    Bal pt, pull by; N pull by L
 4.    same again to next N
 5-6.   Bal & Sw same
 7.    Circle L ¾
 8.    Sw pt

Content provided by David Zinkin.
Last modified: November 28, 2003