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search criteria: Title: bat results... 14 records selected out of 13425:
source location title author formation
DAN p34 Bat in the Window Tom Hinds Lm 2x4
wKaiser n Bated Breath Sarah Kaiser Lm 2x2 becket
DAN2 p27 Batja's Breakdown Tom Hinds Lm 2x2 becket
GaT p093f Batja's Breakdown Tom Hinds Lm 2x2 becket
wACDOL acd_18.html Batja's Breakdown Tom Hinds Lm 2x2 becket
wRPDLW_1999 28a Batja's Breakdown Tom Hinds Lm 2x2 becket
wWagle batjas-breakdown.html Batja's Breakdown Tom Hinds Lm 2x2 becket
GaT p093g Bats in the Grange Steve Zakon-Anderson Lm 2x2 ip
NCC p23c Battle of the Bands Betsy Gotta Lm 2x2 ip
StN p166 Grand Sabbatical Tony Saletan Cm 2x2 ip
ZC n827 Grand Sabbatical Tony Saletan Cm 2x2 ip
RR p29 Mortal Wombat Michael Barraclough Lm 2x2 ip
wBarraclough 24-dances-i-have-written/1158-mortal-wombat Mortal Wombat Michael Barraclough Lm 2x2 ip
C p25a The Uphill Battle Erik Hoffman Lm 2x2 becket
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