This is dance #1312 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Semicentennial Reel

by Ted Sannella

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Proper
Progression: Single



(4) Ones cross diagonally down below twos, twos move up

(4) Balance long wave (twos face in)

(4) Neighbor allemande left 3/4; form diagonal wave of four [M1 with N1, W1 with N2]

(4) Balance diagonal wave of four (1R,N1/N2L)


(16) Hey (1R;SRNL;2SR;NL;1R;SRNL;2SR;NL)


(16) Ones swing; face up


(4) Ones lead up (past twos)

(4) Ones cast down (past twos)

(8) In long lines, go forward and back

Appearances: Swing the Next, p 114
Zesty Contras, p 64
1997 RPDLW syllabus, p 24