This is dance #2941 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Diagonal Waves

by Rick Mohr

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Becket
Progression: Single
Direction: CW



(8) Circle left 1

(8) Right and left through with partner


(2) On right diagonal, women pull by right (men shift right one place)

(6) N2 neighbor allemande left 1

(4) Balance right diagonal wave of four (N2L,WR)

(4) Slide left (past N2)


(4) Balance right diagonal wave of four (N2R,ML) (L;R)

(4) N2 neighbor allemande right 3/4; form diagonal wave of four

(4) Balance left diagonal wave of four (N2R,ML) [with shadow, N1 men]

(4) N1 men allemande left 1


(4) On right diagonal, N2 men trade by right

(12) Partner swing

Appearances: Give-and-Take, p 103