This is dance #3201 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Salute to Michael McKernan

by Ted Sannella

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Improper
Progression: Single



(8) Circle left 1

(8) Neighbor do-si-do


(6) Man one go down outside || Woman one go down center (past N1;N2)

(6) Man one go up center || Woman one go up outside (past N2)

(0) Form wave of four with N1

(4) Balance wave of four (N1R,ML)


(4) Men allemande left 1

(4) Balance wave of four (N1R,ML)

(8) N1 neighbor swing


(8) Circle left 1

(8) Ones swing

Calling Notes:

A2 to be done looking at partner as much as possible, sort of a super-size mad robin.

Appearances: Give-and-Take, p 138
CDSS News, no 91, p 8