This is dance #3762 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Ditto's Birthday

by Ted Sannella

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Proper
Progression: Single



(8) Ones swing; face up

(4) Ones cast down || Twos move up

(4) Ones pass through across (1R)


(8) N2 neighbor mirror allemande 2 (twos split ones)

(8) N1 neighbor mirror allemande 1 & 3/4 (twos split ones)


(4) In a line of four, go down the hall (W2-M1-W1-M2)

(4) Centers turn as couples || Ends turn alone

(4) In a line of four, go up the hall (W2-W1-M1-M2)

(4) Hand cast


(8) Same-role right and left through with neighbor N1

(8) Same-role right and left through with neighbor N1

Appearances: Zesty Contras, p 43