This is dance #4259 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Gift to You {Dream Dances version}

by Don Flaherty

Permission: full

Status: deprecated

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Becket
FormationDetail: Long wave (PL, women face in)
Progression: Double
Direction: CW



(4) Balance long wave (PL, women face in)

(4) Circulate: Women cross, men loop left

(8) Neighbor swing


(8) Women allemande right 1 & 1/2

(8) Partner swing


(8) On left diagonal, right and left through with partner

(8) Hey 1/2 (WR;N3L;MR;PL~)


(4) Balance long wave (PL, women face in)

(4) Slide left (past P)

(4) Balance long wave (PR, women face in)

(4) Slide right (past P)

Appearances: Dream Dances, p 32