Carry on / Over in the glory land

The Lewis Family

Label:Hollywood 45 1074
Release Date:1953
Country:United States

Song Information:

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A. Carry on2:47
Recording Date:1953
Place:Radio Station WJAT, Swainsboro, GA
Instruments:Wallace Lewis-g; Little Roy Lewis-bj; Talmadge Lewis-f/m; Pop Lewis-sb
Vocals:W. Lewis, R. Lewis, Jr., T. Lewis, R. Lewis, Sr., Miggie Lewis, Polly Lewis, Janis Lewis-V
B. Over in the glory land2:38
Recording Date:1953
Place:Radio Station WJAT, Swainsboro, GA
Instruments:Wallace Lewis-g; Little Roy Lewis-bj; Talmadge Lewis-f/m; Pop Lewis-sb
Vocals:W. Lewis, R. Lewis, Jr., T. Lewis, R. Lewis, Sr., Miggie Lewis, Polly Lewis, Janis Lewis-V