Progressive bluegrass. Vol. 3, Five string banjo specialties

Roger Sprung & his Progressive Bluegrassers

Label:Folkways FA 2472
Release Date:1965-06
Country:United States 4050479

Song Information:

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A-1. Yes sir, that's my baby
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-2. Blackberry blossom
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-3. Deep Elem blues
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-4. Fisher's hornpipe
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-5. Down home rag
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-6. Turkey in the straw
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-7. The little drummer boy
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
A-8. Rickett's hornpipe
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-1. Old Molly Hare
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-2. Sailor's hornpipe
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-3. Buck's stumble
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-4. Forked deer
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-5. Moscow nights
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-6. Paddy won't you drink some cider
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-7. Hello, Dolly
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d
B-8. Ragtime Annie
Instruments:Roger Sprung-bj; Jon Sholle-lg; Lenny Logan-rg; Jody Stecher-m; "Speedy" Shepard-f; Saul Brody-mouth harp; Irv Manning-sb; Dan Isaacson-jh; Rudy Grant-d