Old time fiddlin' and singin'

Benny Martin

Label:Mercury Wing SRW 16289
Release Date:1964-12
Country:United States
   Discogs.com: 3978492

Song Information:

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A-1. Coming attractions2:10
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
A-2. Me and my fiddle2:11
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
A-3. By the Law of my heart2:24
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
A-4. To cry the blues each day2:15
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
A-5. Slim chance2:35
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
B-1. Lover of the town2:20
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
B-2. I'm right and you're wrong2:07
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
B-3. Girls, girls2:32
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
B-4. I'm checking out1:56
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown
B-5. Take my word2:44
Instruments:Benny Martin-f; other personnel unknown