List of Names

Aarons, Lehman C. -- Bare, John J.


Bard, Ralph A. -- Boucherie, Maj. Jorge R.


Bough, James A. -- Canfil, Fred A.


Cann, Norman D. -- Comeford, John M.


Comer, Donald -- Denby, Charles


Denfeld, Rear Adm. L.E. -- Elliott, R. Winton


Elliott, WW.Y. -- Frierson, Horace


Froemming, Paul G. -- Gross, Felix P.


Gross, John E. -- Herndon, Lt. Col. Oma E.


Herndon, Paul H., Jr. -- Irons, Warren B.


Irvin, Col. George A. -- Kirk, W.F.


Kirkpatrick, Ben O. -- Logan, William J.


Long, Clark R. -- MacLean, Allan D.


MacLean, Julia -- Monture, G.C.


Mooney, George S. -- Odom, Edward E.


O'Dowda, James -- Potter, Charles J.


Potter, James A. -- Ross, A.N.


Ross, John -- Simons, Charles C.


Simpson, Brig. Gen. Bethel W. -- Summers, Cleon A.


Summers, John H. -- Victory, John F.


Vidal, Steven P. -- Wilson, John C.


Wilson, Dr. John N. -- Zwemer, Raymund L.


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