RESTRICTED. DISSEMINATION OF RESTRICTED MATTER.--The information contained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 23b, AR 380-5, 15 Mar 1944.)
Washington : 1944
TM-E 38-480
1. This handbook on Japanese Military Forces (TM-E 30-480) has been prepared by the United States War Department, with the assistance and cooperation of representatives from the following headquarters: Foreword
British War Office.
General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area.
Southeast Asia Command, and General Headquarters, India.
Headquarters, United States Army Forces in South Pacific Area.
Headquarters, United States Army Forces in Central Pacific Area.
Allied Land Headquarters, Australia.In general, it represents the agreed views of these headquarters at the time this handbook was written.
For the most part, the material contained in this handbook is based on information obtained in operations to 30 June 1944. This has been supplemented by study of Japanese Army manuals and other official and unofficial documents published by the Japanese before and after the beginning of hostilities, and by reports and observations of American and British military attacheés and observers.
2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. The purpose of this handbook, which constitutes a revision of TM 30-480, 21 September 1942, is to give in a single publication the broad outlines as well as pertinent details of the organization, equipment, and training of the Japanese Army. In addition, Japanese tactical doctrines and techniques, as set forth in their manuals and observed in action, are discussed. The handbook is not intended to be complete or final; detailed information on particular subjects may be found in the special publications already available or in preparation by the various agencies and commands concerned.
3. LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES. In cases where confusion might result, Romanji or other romanized form of the Japanese terms is given, together with the translation. A Japanese-English and English-Japanese glossary of the more important items is also included.
Because of differences in American, British, and Japanese terminology for certain army units, a translation of the Japanese terms has been used throughout. Thus units of all arms and services are called regiments, battalions, companies, platoons, and squads (sections). For American readers the change in terminology should cause no particular confusion except that some Japanese regimental organizations, especially in the Cavalry and the Engineers, correspond more closely to battalions in that they contain only three or four companies.
Since the handbook is intended for use by both American and British forces, commonly accepted or understood military terms of both nations have been used. Where no common term exists, both British and American terms appear, the British in parentheses.
4. REVISIONS. It is intended to keep the handbook up to date with necessary revisions and corrections as further information becomes available. In order that this may be facilitated, it is requested that all suggestions for changes or additions be communicated to the Military Intelligence Division, War Department, Washington 25, D.C.
Figure 1. Japanese infantry soldier.