The Reconquest of Burma
Volume II: June 1944-August 1945

P.N. Khera, M.A.
S.N. Prasad, Ph.D.

Official History of the Indian Armed Forces
In the Second World War

General Editor
Bisheshwar Prasad, D. Litt.

Combined Inter-Services Historical Section
(India & Pakistan)


  Preface ix
  Higher Strategy and Plans 1
II. The Northern Sector--Allied Offensive and the Recapture of Ukhrul 12
III. Tamu Regained 38
IV. The Pursuit to Tiddim and Kalemyo 63
V. Allied Plans--November 1944 108
VI. Fourteenth Army Crosses the Chindwin (November-December 1944) 127
VII. IV Corps Advance to the Irrawaddy 160
VIII. XXXIII Corps Advance to the Irrawaddy 193
IX. XXXIII Corps Advance to the Irrawaddy (Cont'd.) 215
X. Crossing the Irrawaddy 255
XI. Meiktila Recaptured 289
XII. To the City of the Kings 342
XIII. The Dash to Rangoon--XXXIII Corps 366
XIV. The Dash to Rangoon--IV Corps 388
XV. Operation DRACULA and the Fall of Rangoon 411
XVI. Completing the Conquest 428
1. Chain of Command--After the Creation of Headquarters Allied Land Forces SEAC--12 November 1944 463
2. Order of Battle--33 Indian Corps--1 August 1944 465
3. 4 Corps Operation Instruction No. 100--23 June 1944 481
4. 5 Indian Division Location Statement--19 August 1944 482
5. Withdrawal Behind the Irrawaddy, 1944 (Japanese View as Disclosed in Interrogations) 485
6. Tasks of the Lushai Brigade--33 Ind Corps Operation Instruction No. 20 Dated 6-10-44 487
7. 33 Indian Corps Operation Instruction No. 23, Dated 1-12-44 488
8. Tasks of 33 Indian Corps--December 1944 490
9. 33 Ind Corps Operation Instruction No. 24, Dated 17-1-45 491
10. Appreciation of the Situation by Commander 4 Corps--19 January 1945 495
11. Deception Scheme CLOAK 499
12. 33 Corps Plan for Capturing Mandalay--33 Corps Operation Order No. 13, Dated 2-2-45 503
13. 4 Corps Operation Instruction No. 125, Dated 5 February 1945 508
14. Japanese Strength--15th Army, March 1945 512
15. 63 Brigade Operation Instruction No. 1, Dated 9 March 1945 514
16. 4 Corps Deception Scheme CONCLAVE 515
17. Order of Battle--33 Ind Corps--31 March 1945 518
18. 4 Corps Operation Instruction No. 139, Dated 5 April 1945 519
19. 33 Corps Operation Instruction No. 21, Dated 30 April 1945 521
20. Order of Battle--33 Ind Corps--1 May 1945 524
21. Extract From Intelligence Summary No. 15, Dated 18 May 1945 525
22. Japanese Plan for Break-Out--July 1945 526
Bibliography 529
Index 531

Transcribed and formatted by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation