. . . to Those Who Served
Forward vii Introductory Note viii Preface ix Chapter Page Principal Commanders and Staff Officers 1 THE UNITED KINGDOM BUILD-UP I. Origins of the European Theater of Operations, 1941-June 1942 13 (1) The United States "Observes" the War in Europe 13 (2) The Occupation of Iceland 17 (3) American Troops Go to Northern Ireland 19 (4) Establishing an Air Force in the United Kingdom 26 (5) The Formation of the Services of Supply and Activation of ETOUSA 31 (6) The Heritage of SPOBS and USAFBI 44 II. The SOS and ETOUSA in 1942 52 (1) BOLERO Is Born 52 (2) BOLERO Planning in the United Kingdom, May-July 1942: the First Key Plans 59 (3) The SOS Organizes, June-July 1942 76 (4) TORCH Intervenes 87 (5) BOLERO's Status at the End of 1942 99 III. The Build-Up in Stride, 1943 114 (1) BOLERO in Limbo, January-April 1943 (2) The Troop Build-up Is Resumed, May-December 1943 (3) The Flow of Cargo in 1943 (4) Troop and Cargo Reception (5) Command and Organizational Changes in 1943 PREPARING FOR CONTINENTAL INVASION IV. The Inception of OVERLORD and Its Logistic Aspects 175 (1) Early Planning for Cross-Channel Operations 175 (2) Logistic Considerations in the Evolution of the OVERLORD Plan 178 V. Command and Organization, and the Assignment of Planning Responsibilities, January-June 1944 190 (1) Formation of the Major Commands 190 (2) Consolidation of ETOUSA and SOS 195 (3) Assignment of Command and Planning Responsibilities 203 (4) Forward Echelon, Communications Zone (FECOMZ) 207 (5) Advance Section, Communications Zone (ADSEC) 211 (6) Continental Base Sections 216 (7) Final Command Arrangements 219 VI. The Completion of BOLERO 231 (1) The Flow of Troops and Cargo, January-May 1944 231 (2) Construction and Local Procurement, 1943-May 1944 240 (3) The SOS on the Eve of OVERLORD 258 VII. The OVERLORD Logistical Plan 269 (1) The Artificial Port 269 (2) Beach Organization 282 (3) Port Reconstruction 285 (4) Troop Build-up and Replacements 297 (5) The Supply Plan 306 (6) The Depot Structure 312 (7) Transportation 314 (8) The Supply of POL 319 VIII. Training and Rehearsing for Cross-Channel Invasion 328 (1) Earlier Amphibious Experience 328 (2) The Training Schools and First Exercises 334 (3) The Assault Training Center and Engineer Special Brigades 339 (4) Major Exercises 345 (5) Final Rehearsals 350 OVERLORD IS SET IN MOTION, MAY-JULY 1944 IX. Mounting the Operation 357 (1) The Mounting Problem and Plan 357 (2) The Mounting Begins 363 X. Launching the Invasion: Organizing the Beaches 374 (1) Tactical Developments in June 374 (2) OMAHA Beach on D Day 377 (3) UTAH Beach on D Day 384 (4) Development of the OMAHA Area 389 (5) Development of the UTAH Area 397 (6) The Beach Ports 402 (7) The Great Storm of 19-22 June 406 (8) The Build-up to 30 June 415 (9) Cross-Channel Movement 422 XI. The Logistic Outlook in June and July 427 (1) Tactical Development, 1-24 July 427 (2) The Normandy Supply Base 430 (3) The Status of Supply 439 (4) Troop Build-up 449 (5) Replacements 458 (6) The Ports 463 THE LOGISTICS OF RAPID MOVEMENT, AUGUST--MID-SEPTEMBER 1944 XII. Breakout and Pursuit 475 (1) Tactical Developments 475 (2) The Logistic Implications of Changing Plans 481 XIII. "Frantic Supply" 489 (1) The Character of Supply Operations in the Pursuit 489 (2) Gasoline--"the Red Blood of War" 499 (3) Classes I, II, and IV Supply 516 (4) Ammunition 525 XIV. Transportation in the Pursuit 544 (1) The Railways 544 (2) Motor Transport 553 (3) Supply by Air 572 GLOSSARY CODE NAMES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 591 INDEX 597
TABLES1. Troop Build-up in the United Kingdom, January 1942-February 1943 100 2. Cargo Flow to the United Kingdom, January 1942-May 1943 103 3. Troop Build-up in the United Kingdom in 1943 129 4. Cargo Flow to the United Kingdom in 1943 135 5. Troop BUild-up in the United Kingdom, August 1943-May 1944 232 6. Cargo Flow to the United Kingdom, November 1943-July 1944 237 7. Supply Build-up Over the Beaches, 6-30 June 1944 416 8. Vehicle Build-up Over the Beaches, 6-30 June 1944 418 9. Troop Build-up Over the Beaches, 6-30 June 1944 420 10. Gasoline Supply of First and Third Armies, 30 July-16 September 1944 503 11. Cargo Transported by Air, 20 August-16 September 1944 581