Here's a great one: "Secrets of Plant Propagation" - Start your own flowers, vegetabls, fruits, berries, shrubs,trees and houseplants - By Lewis Hill - American Horticultural Society - Voted one of America's 75 best garden books - Storey Publishing Pownal, Vermont 05261 $16.95 US ISBN 0-88266-370-4 paperback Permaculture Bibliography Jude Hobbs 1999 The Permaculture Design A practical Guide to a Sustainable Future Bill Mollison Island Press Wa. DC 1990 The indepth Permaculture manual by the co-founder of permaculture. Excellent examples, illustrations, and enjoyable reading. An Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison and Reny Slay New South Wales 1991 Simple, straight forward explanation of permaculture. Travel In Dream Bill Mollisons Tagari '96 An 'autobiography' with stories, stories, stories. This is the man behind the permaculture movement. The Permaculture Way Graham Bell Thorsons, London 1992 Simple explanation of permaculture in action. A Western Permaculture Manual David Browned. Cornucopia Subiaco, Wa. '89 Yet another look at permaculture from an American. Earth User's Guide to PC Robin Morrow Easy to understand 'how-to' book. A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander, Oxford, NY '77 The interrelationships between the design of buildings and settlements. At the core of this book is that people should design for themselves their own houses, streets, and communities. Guide to ways of seeing space, relative location, and permaculture design. Highly recommended. Ecological Design Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan Island Press 1996 One Straw Revolution Masanobu Fukuoka Rodale First book by the Zen high priest on sustainable agriculture The Natural Way of Farming Masanobu Fukuoka Rodale Press 1 Animals Earthworms for Ecology and Profit Vol. I Scientific Earthworm Farming Ronald E. Gaddie and Donald Douglas Bookworm Publishing PO Box 655 Ontario, Ca. 91761 A 'complete' book on the study of earthworms- lifecycle, production and marketing. I found this in a used bookstore, may be out of print. Raising Rabbits the Modern Way Bob Bennet Garden Way Publishing '80 Contains all the basics for raising rabbits Pastured Poultry Profits Joel Salatin Chelsea Green Publishing Co. 1996 ISBN: 0963810901 Salad Bar Beef Joel Salatin Chelsea Green Publishing Co. 1996 ISBN: 096381091 Keepers of the Game Calvin Luther Building The Natural House Book David Pearson Fireside Books Simon and Schuster,1989 Build It With Bales Myhrman & Mac Donald Out on Bale,1997 The Passive Solar Book James Kachadorian Chelsea Green 1997 The Cob Builders Handbook Becky Bee Groundworks PO Box 14194, Portland, Or. 97293 $25 Earth Building &The Cob Revival and The Cobbler's Companion PO Box 123 Cottage Grove, Or 97424 Bioshelters, Ocean Arks, and City Farming by Jack and Nancy Todd Handbook: Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Building John Reynolds Children and Nature The Usborne Complete First Book of Nature Michael Chinery Ltd. Belgium Publishing Ltd. 1990 Beautifully detailed illustrations of plants and animals. A serious nature study for the young and old. I had to special order this but found it one of the best childrenÕs nature books available. Kids Nature Susan Milord Williams Publishing Charlette,Vt. 365 Indoor and outdoor nature experiences for kids. Springo Tyron Creek State Park 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Portland, Or 97219 (503)636-4550 Life Lab, Growing Adventure Life Lab Science Program 1156 High St. Santa Cruz, Ca. 95064 (408)459-2001 Common Ground Garden Program 2615 S. Grand Ave.#400 L.A. Ca. 90007 (213) 744-4341 If you or some one you know has the inclination to organize a school garden, Fred Meyer Foundation and the National Gardening Association often provide grant monies for these projects. Communities will often donate supplies needed. Communities Intentional Communities Communities Publication Cooperative 105 Sun Street Steele Illinois, 60919 This book explains what communities are, how to choose a community, social action, personal growth through community, ideas for decision making, community economics, land trusts, and networking. Living Communities Ben Haggard 4018 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505 Center for the Study of Community, Writing from experience this book is inspiring. Economics Ecology of Economics Paul Hawken Harper Collins '93 Ecological analysis of Business. Practical suggestions Small Is Beautiful Nine Steps to Financial Freedom Your Money or Your Life Edibles and General Gardening Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally Robert Kourik Metamorphic Press Santa Rosa,Ca. 1986 This is a must for those serious gardeners. Chock full of information on design, gardening, soil preparation, pruning, biological controls, combing fruits, flowers, lawns, herbs, Vines, and Vegies. The Self-Sufficient Gardener John Seymour Dolphin Books Doubleday and Company, Garden City N.Y. 1980 One of my favorite general garden book. Excellent colored line drawings, explanations of soil care, propagation, controlling insects and diseases, Harvesting and Storage, greenhouse growing and more. Master Garden Handbook Oregon State Extension Service 1993 EM 8442 Covers: Botany Basics, Soil and Fertilizers, Plant Propagation, Pruning, Vegie Gardening, Ornamental Herbaceous plants, Ornamental woody plants, Home Orchards, small fruit Culture and care, lawns, House plants, Insects, Plant diseases, Diagnostic key to urban plant problems, understanding pesticides, landscapes design, information about master gardeners. Available at he Country Extension Service for nominal price. The Beautiful Food Garden Kate Rodgers Gessert N.Y. 1983 An Encyclopedia of food plants specifically for the Willamette Valley. Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest Binda Colebrook A guide to growing vegetables between October and May. Site selection, variety choices, when to plant and harvest. Explanation of common winter crop pests and diseases. The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable Juliette de Bairacli Levy Faber and Faber, Boston '90 Interesting and fun read on herbal remedies and folklore of many cultures How to Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought Possible John Jeavons Ten Speed Press, Berkeley '79 French Intensive method of gardening, good lists of companions plants. Seed to Seed Suzanne Ashworth, Seed Saver's Exchange 307 N. Winn Road Decorah, Iowa 52101 Seed saving guide. Herbs of the Pacific Northwest Ross H Penhallen OSU Extension Bulletin #LC406 65 page comprehensive guide to the production of herbs Complete Book of Herbs and Spices Sarah Garland 1979 A Studio Book Viking Press N.Y. A definitive guide to herbs and spices with great illustrations, stories, and recipes Pruning: Roses, Deciduous Shrubs, Evergreens, hedges, wall shrubs, fruit bushes and trees, deciduous trees Christopher Brickell The best guide I know of for providing pruning techniques. The Orchard Almanac Steve Page and Joe Smillie A seasonal guide to healthy fruit trees. Excellent reference planting, pruning, fertilization, organic control of pests, restoring old fruit trees, IPM, resistant varieties, harvest and storage. Western Fruit, Berries and Nuts by Lance Walheim & Robert Stebbins Forestry/Forest Farming Restoration Forestry Michael Pilarski,ed. An International Guide to Sustainable Forestry Practices Wildwood A forest Farm for the Future--Ruth Loomis Pacific Certified Ecological Forest Products Institute for Sustainable forestry PO Box 1580 Redway, Ca. 95560 Forest Farming J. Sholto Douglas and R. Hart Forest Farming Robert de J Hart Green Books, Bideford, Devon '91 Mostly reviews tropical settings but has one chapter from his experience in England Forest Primeval Chris Maser Introduction to the forest particularly pertaining to our bioregion. The Forest Farmer's Handbook: A Guide to Natural Selection Forestry, Orville Camp Sky River Press, Ashland, Oregon 1984 Insects Rodale's Color Handbook of Garden Insects Anna Carr Rodale Press Emmaus, Pa 1979 Readily available used. Photographs illustrating insect (beneficial and 'pest') life cycles Then Bug Book Olkowski Easy to understand book on bugs- lifecysles, beneficials The Orchard Mason Bee Brian Griffin Knox Cellars 1607 Knox Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225 (306) 733-3283 Good little book on Mason Bees. Also, provider of Adult blue orchard bees (Osmia lignaria) along with nesting material and educational products. Least Toxic Pest Control Dan Stein Hulogosi PO Box 1188 Eugene, Or. 97440 A practical and humorous look at how to ÔcontrolÕ pests without pesticides. Handbook for Butterfly Watchers Robert Michael Pyle, Houghton Mifflin, Boston '84 Butterflies as indicator species Biological Control of Insects and Mites N.C.R.481 University of Wisconsin Coop./ Ext. Publication. 30 Murray St. Rm. 345 Madison, WI. 53715-2609 $9.00 An Introduction to beneficial natural enemies Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America Ca. Environmental Protection Agency Dept. of Pesticide Regulation Environmental Monitoring and Pest Mangement Branch 1020 N. Street Rm 161 Sacramento, Ca. 95814-5604 FREE Insects Con't: Keys to Damaging Stages of Insects Commonly Attacking Field Crops in PNW University of Idaho Ag. Publication Building Build J40, Idaho Street Moscow, Idaho 83843 $17. Income Producing Sea Weed Vegetables Harvesting Guide and Cookbook Evelyn Mc Connaughety A guide to foraging and preparing of free nutritious sea vegetables. Salad Bar Beef Joel Salatin This proven system can yield a superb profit from a small cow herd regardless of the commodity price of calves. Pasture Poultry Profits Joel Salatin Production model describes how to produce an income from small acreage raising poultry. He tells how anyone can earn $25,000 in 6 months on 20 acres. Rebirth of the Small Family Farm Bob and Bonnie Gregson. A handbook for starting a successful organic farm based on the Community Supported Agriculture concept. IMF Associates, PO Box 2542, Vashon Island, Wa. 98070 Earthworms for Ecology and Profit Vol. I Scientific Earthworm Farming Ronald E. Gaddie and Donald Douglas Bookworm Publishing PO Box 655 Ontario, Ca. 91761 A 'complete' book on the study of earthworms- life cycle, production and marketing. I found this in a used bookstore, may be out of print. Inspirational The Greening of the Revolution Cuba's Experiment with Organic Agriculture Peter Rosset and Medea Benjamin Ocean Press 2017 Mission Street S.F. Ca. 94110 1994 Due to the collapse of the socialist bloc Cuba has lost its sources for conventional farming. They have made a dramatic shift by redistributing farmland and incorporating organic farming methods. Empty city lots and other available land is being converted to organic gardens frequently using long rows of raised beds. Radical Agriculture Ed. Richard Merrill Harper Colophon Books 1976 20 Essays that summarize the ecological, physical, and, social characteristics of a radical agriculture. Good used bookstore find or new. The Unsettling of America and The Gift of the Land and What Are People for? Wendell Berry Just a few of the books by this bountiful poet, visionary, and humanistic author. Women , Ecology, and Development Zed Books 1989 In this book she examines womenÕs relationship to nature and defines the links between the ecological crisis, colonialism, and the oppression of women. is Vandana Shiva. She is considered 'A green international star.' Native Plants Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast Pojar and Mackinnon One of the best books for native plant ID, great color photos Plants and Animals of the Pacific Northwest An illustrated Guide to the Natural History of Western Washington, Oregon, and B.C. Eugene Kozloff Good infor on our native fauna and flora Handbook of Northwestern Plants Gilkey Complete book of plants native to the area from the summit of the Cascade Range to the coastline of Washington and Oregon, to the South line of Lane County. Gardening With Natives of the Pacific Northwest Arthur Kruckenberg Good descriptions NW plants, how to propagate and their uses. Hortus Northwest Dale Shank A Pacific Northwest Native Plant Directory PO Box 955, Canby, Or.97013 Catalog Profiles of Northwest Plants Peggy Robinson Far West Book Service Portland, Or '79 Excellent book on the lore of medicinal NW plants. I think this is out of print. If you see it used, grab it. Sea Weed Vegetables Harvesting Guide and Cookbook Evelyn Mc Connaughety A guide to foraging and preparing of free nutritious sea vegetables. Natives con't Plant Association and Management Guide - Willamette National Forest Hemstrom 1987 . Put out US Department of Agriculture. Excellent reference for guide of guilds utilized in the Willamette National forest. These could be introduced in similar environments to that forest. More on Plants Wetland Plants of Oregon and Washington B. Jennifer Guard Lone Pine '98 A field guide with photos good glossary and lots of interesting info. Landscape Design That Saves Energy A. Moffat Morrow '81 Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture J. Russell Smith Harper '98 Agroforestry systems and key tree species Organic Plant Protection Rodale Pess1976 A How to guide to organic gardening. Readily found in used Book Stores Seeds Breeding Your Own Vegetable Varieties Carol Deppy Simple how book Biopiracy Vandana Shiva Biotech and what it is doing to seed savers The New Seed-Starters Handbook- by Nancy Bubel Excellent guide to starters seed Self-Sufficiency One Acre and Security by Bradford Angier Random House New York 1972 A comprehensive book describing techniques for raising food, bees, earthworms, cows, sheep, pigs, rabbits, poultry, fish, frogs and turtles. Homemade Garden Publishing 101 Easy to make things for your home, garden or farm. Simple detailed drawings such as, chicken feeders, egg candling light, watering troughs, portable buildings, plant protectors, tool cleaners, and on and on. Stocking Up Carol Hupping Stoner Rodale Press '77 Food preservation techniques: fruits, vegies, dairy products, meat and fish, nuts seeds and grains. Ferment and Human Nutrition Bill Mollison Tagari Publications, Tyalgum, Australia, 1993 Soil The Soil and Health and An Agricultural Testament Sir Albert Howard Foundation of organic agriculture and composting. Rodale Press 1976 Feed the soil Edwin McLeod Organic Ag. Research Institute 1982 Resource to understand how natural ag. works and putting it into practice. Focus on green manure crops and Nitrogen fixers. Water Water for Every Farm PA Yeoman's and KA Yeomans Keyline Designs, Southport '93 Avail thru Frank Espriella, PO Box 206 Guinda, Ca 95637 The 'bible' for water on the land Water: A Primer Luna Leopold, WH Freeman '74 An Introduction to Hydrology for designers working with dams and streams Living Water Olaf Alexandersson Viktor Schauberger theories on water. Can be a bit 'out there' for some folks but an interesting read. Water Con't Earth Ponds Tim Matson Countryman Woodstock, VT '82 Guide to avoiding mistakes in building earth ponds Farming In Ponds and Dams Nick Romanowski The Freshwater Aquaculture Book William McClarney Hartley and Marks, Pt. Roberts. '84 Mainly for east of the Rockies, includes pond design and construction Create and Oasis with Graywater Art Ludwig 5 San Marcos Trout Club, Santa Barbara, Ca 93105 (805)967-3222 One of the best illustrated books on the subject. Inexpensive yet complete Wildlife Attracting American Wildlife and Plants A Guide to Wildlife Food Habitats Alexander Martin, Herbert S. Zim, Arnold Nelson Dover Press 1951 This book is divided into three parts. 1) food and feeding habits of more than 1000 migratory birds and mammals and the relationship to each other. 2) Food habits and range of about 300 common birds (water, marsh, shore, upland, song, and birds of prey). Also included is fur and game animals, small mammals, hoofed browsers, and fish, amphibians, and reptiles. 3) The genera of plants that furnish food to wildlife (woody, upland weeds and herbs, marsh and aquatic, and cultivated plants). I had to special order this, with quite a wait, but it is well worth it. It has been around for a long time so you might find it used. Wildlife Attracting (Con't) HedgerowÕs Eric White This beautifully illustrated book that tells the story of hedgerowÕs in England. Their origins, growth, resources, wild life, and their place in the changing landscape. Very applicable to our region. Hedging: A Practical Handbook British Trust for Conservation Volunteers '88 Wallingford Oxfordshire Avail. thru Ag. Access Tools, species, techniques for hedges. A Guide To Bird Homes PO Box 110 Marietta, Ohio 45750 Scott Shalaway This is a small book that is rich in descriptions of what birds like what type of nesting and roosting space. There are adequate plans for nesting boxes and predator baffles. The basics of who, what, where, when, and how is addressed. Periodicals Sustainable Living News: A West Coast Journal of Environmental Design, PO Bo 45472, Seattle, WA 98145. Permaculture Activist, PO Bo 1209, Black Mountain, NC 28711 Permaculture International Journal, (Australia) available thr the Activist Permaculture Magazine (UK) available thr the Activist Permaculture Review, Overview, and Digest PO Bo 672, Dahlonega, Ga 30533. Permaculture Drylands Journal, PO Bo 156, Sante Fe, NM 87504 Rain, PO Bo 30097, Eugene, Or 97403 Earthword, 580 Broadway, Suite 200, Laguna Beach, Ca 92651 Places, PO Bo 368, Lawrence, K 66044 The Last Straw, PO Bo 42000, Tucson, AZ 85733-2000 Circle Round: The Women's Natural Building Newsletter, PO Bo 14194, Portland, Or 97293 Dandy Burgers from The Garden Gate 2/99 1 cup packed dandelion flowers ( no greens) 1/2 cup flour 1/4 cup milk 1/4 cup chopped onions 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 tsp. each basil and oregano 1/8 tsp pepper Mix all ingredients together to form stiff batter. Roll in to golf ball sized pieces and flatten to 1/2". Pan fry in oil, turning until crisp on both sides. Use as you would vegetarian burgers. [1] F. Chittendon. RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956 Oxford University Press 1951 Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaces in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]). [2] Hedrick. U. P. Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World. Dover Publications 1972 ISBN 0-486-20459-6 Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references. [3] Simmons. A. E. Growing Unusual Fruit. David and Charles 1972 ISBN 0-7153-5531-7 A very readable book with information on about 100 species that can be grown in Britain (some in greenhouses) and details on how to grow and use them. [4] Grieve. A Modern Herbal. Penguin 1984 ISBN 0-14-046-440-9 Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants. [5] Mabey. R. Food for Free. Collins 1974 ISBN 0-00-219060-5 Edible wild plants found in Britain. Fairly comprehensive, very few pictures and rather optimistic on the desirability of some of the plants. [6] Mabey. R. Plants with a Purpose. Fontana 1979 ISBN 0-00-635555-2 Details on some of the useful wild plants of Britain. Poor on pictures but otherwise very good. [7] Chiej. R. Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants. MacDonald 1984 ISBN 0-356-10541-5 Covers plants growing in Europe. Also gives other interesting information on the plants. Good photographs. [8] Ceres. Free for All. Thorsons Publishers 1977 ISBN 0-7225-0445-4 Edible wild plants in Britain. Small booklet, nothing special. [9] Launert. E. Edible and Medicinal Plants. Hamlyn 1981 ISBN 0-600-37216-2 Covers plants in Europe. a drawing of each plant, quite a bit of interesting information. [10] Altmann. H. Poisonous Plants and Animals. Chatto and Windus 1980 ISBN 0-7011-2526-8 A small book, reasonable but not very detailed. [11] Bean. W. Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement. Murray 1981 A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures. [12] Loewenfeld. C. and Back. P. Britain's Wild Larder. David and Charles ISBN 0-7153-7971-2 A handy pocket guide. [13] Triska. Dr. Hamlyn Encyclopaedia of Plants. Hamlyn 1975 ISBN 0-600-33545-3 Very interesting reading, giving some details of plant uses and quite a lot of folk-lore. [14] Holtom. J. and Hylton. W. Complete Guide to Herbs. Rodale Press 1979 ISBN 0-87857-262-7 A good herbal. [15] Bryan. J. and Castle. C. Edible Ornamental Garden. Pitman Publishing 1976 ISBN 0-273-00098-5 A small book with interesting ideas for edible plants in the ornamental garden. [16] Simons. New Vegetable Growers Handbook. Penguin 1977 ISBN 0-14-046-050-0 A good guide to growing vegetables in temperate areas, not entirely organic. [17] Clapham, Tootin and Warburg. Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press 1962 A very comprehensive flora, the standard reference book but it has no pictures. [18] Philbrick H. and Gregg R. B. Companion Plants. Watkins 1979 Details of beneficial and antagonistic relationships between neighbouring plants. [19] Stary. F. Poisonous Plants. Hamlyn 1983 ISBN 0-600-35666-3 Not very comprehensive, but easy reading. [20] Riotte. L. Companion Planting for Successful Gardening. Garden Way, Vermont, USA. 1978 ISBN 0-88266-064-0 Fairly good. [21] Lust. J. The Herb Book. Bantam books 1983 ISBN 0-553-23827-2 Lots of information tightly crammed into a fairly small book. [22] Sholto-Douglas. J. Alternative Foods. Not very comprehensive, it seems more or less like a copy of earlier writings with little added. [23] Wright. D. Complete Book of Baskets and Basketry. David and Charles 1977 ISBN 0-7153-7449-4 Not that complete but very readable and well illustrated. [24] Baines. C. Making a Wildlife Garden. Fairly good with lots of ideas about creating wildlife areas in the garden. [25] Lawson. Bamboos. Faber 1968 Fairly comprehensive, it was once the standard work but is now rather dated. Deals with species hardy in Britain, giving cultivation details and some uses. [26] Hills. L. Comfrey Report. Henry Doubleday Research Ass. A small booklet giving a fairly comprehensive guide to the uses of comfrey. [27] Vilmorin. A. The Vegetable Garden. Ten Speed Press ISBN 0-89815-041-8 A reprint of a nineteenth century classic, giving details of vegetable varieties. Not really that informative though. [28] Knight. F. P. Plants for Shade. Royal Horticultural Society. 1980 ISBN 0-900629-78-9 A small but informative booklet listing plants that can be grown in shady positions with a few cultivation details. [29] Shepherd. F.W. Hedges and Screens. Royal Horticultural Society. 1974 ISBN 0900629649 A small but informative booklet giving details of all the hedging plants being grown in the R.H.S. gardens at Wisley in Surrey. [30] Carter D. Butterflies and Moths in Britain and Europe. Pan 1982 ISBN 0-330-26642-x An excellent book on Lepidoptera, it also lists their favourite food plants. [31] Brown. Shade Plants for Garden and Woodland. [32] Bruce. M. E. Commonsense Compost Making. Faber 1977 ISBN 0-571-09990-4 Excellent little booklet dealing with how to make compost by using herbs to activate the heap. Gives full details of the herbs that are used. [33] Organ. J. Rare Vegetables for Garden and Table. Faber 1960 Unusual vegetables that can be grown outdoors in Britain. A good guide. [34] Harrison. S. Wallis. M. Masefield. G. The Oxford Book of Food Plants. Oxford University Press 1975 Good drawings of some of the more common food plants from around the world. Not much information though. [35] The Herb Society Herbal Review. Vol.11. 4. The Herb Society 1986 ISBN 0264-9853 [36] The Herb Society Herbal Review. Vol.11. 3. The Herb Society 1986 ISBN 0264-9853 A very interesting article on the stinging nettle, Urtica dioica, giving a lot of information on its uses. Also details on Tanacetum parthenifolium and Melaleuca alternifolium. [37] Thompson. B. The Gardener's Assistant. Blackie and Son. 1878 Excellent general but extensive guide to gardening practices in the 19th century. A very good section on fruits and vegetables with many little known species. [38] Simmons A. E. Simmons' Manual of Fruit. David & Charles. 1978 ISBN 0-7153-7607-1 A good guide to some of the cultivars of temperate fruits. It covers quite a wide range of fruits. [39] Genders. R. Planting Fruit Trees. Robert Hale Ltd. 1956 A general book on growing fruit in Britain, it does give some descriptions of little known cultivars. [40] Scott's Nursery Scott's Fruit Catalogue. 1985 edition. Scott's Nursery 1985 A nursery catalogue giving descriptions of the wide range of trees and shrubs they grow, including a good range of apples. [41] Hills. L. Good Fruit Guide. Henry Doubleday Research Ass. Very dated now, it lists a good range of fruit trees and shrubs with brief descriptions of most of them and details of where they can be obtained. [42] Grey. C. H. Hardy Bulbs. Williams & Norgate. 1938 Rather dated now, but an immense work on bulbs for temperate zones and how to grow them. Three large volumes. [43] Fernald. M. L. Gray's Manual of Botany. American Book Co. 1950 A bit dated but good and concise flora of the eastern part of N. America. [44] Allan. H. H. Flora of New Zealand. Government Printer, Wellington. 1961 The standard work, in 3 volumes though only the first two are of interest to the plant project. Very good on habitats. [45] Polunin. O. Flowers of Greece and the Balkans. Oxford University Press 1980 ISBN 0-19-217626-9 A good pocket flora, it also lists quite a few plant uses. [46] Uphof. J. C. Th. Dictionary of Economic Plants. Weinheim 1959 An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader. [47] Fox. D. Growing Lilies. Croom Helm 1985 A lovely and very readable book dealing with the cultivation of the genus Lilium. [48] Boullemier. L. The Checklist of Species, Hybrids and Cultivars of the Genus Fuschia. Blandford Press 1985 ISBN 0-7137-1781-5 Merely a list of names and the occasional elaboration. [49] Arnold-Forster. Shrubs for the Milder Counties. Trees and shrubs that grow well in Cornwall and other mild areas of Britain. Fairly good, a standard reference book. [50] ? Flora Europaea Cambridge University Press 1964 An immense work in 6 volumes (including the index). The standard reference flora for europe, it is very terse though and with very little extra information. Not for the casual reader. [51] Polunin. O. and Stainton. A. Flowers of the Himalayas. Oxford Universtiy Press 1984 A very readable and good pocket guide (if you have a very large pocket!) to many of the wild plants in the Himalayas. Gives many examples of plant uses. [52] Larkcom. J. Salads all the Year Round. Hamlyn 1980 A good and comprehensive guide to temperate salad plants, with full organic details of cultivation. [53] De. Bray. L. The Wild Garden. Interesting reading. [54] Hatfield. A. W. How to Enjoy your Weeds. Frederick Muller Ltd 1977 ISBN 0-584-10141-4 Interesting reading. [55] Harris. B. C. Eat the Weeds. Pivot Health 1973 Interesting reading. [56] Muhlberg. H. Complete Guide to Water Plants. E. P. Publishing Ltd. 1982 ISBN 0-7158-0789-7 Deals with a wide range of plants for temperate areas (and indoor aquaria) with quite a lot of information on cultivation techniques. [57] Schery. R. W. Plants for Man. Fairly readable but not very comprehensive. Deals with plants from around the world. [58] Ohwi. G. Flora of Japan. (English translation) Smithsonian Institution 1965 The standard work. Brilliant, but not for the casual reader. [59] Thurston. Trees and Shrubs in Cornwall. Trees and shrubs that succeed in Cornwall based on the authors own observations. Good but rather dated. [60] Hitchcock. C. L. Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press 1955 A standard flora for Western N. America with lots of information on habitat etc. Five large volumes, it is not for the casual reader. [61] Usher. G. A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man. Constable 1974 ISBN 0094579202 Forget the sexist title, this is one of the best books on the subject. Lists a very extensive range of useful plants from around the world with very brief details of the uses. Not for the casual reader. [62] Elias. T. and Dykeman. P. A Field Guide to N. American Edible Wild Plants. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1982 ISBN 0442222009 Very readable. [63] Howes. F. N. Nuts. Faber 1948 Rather old but still a masterpiece. Has sections on tropical and temperate plants with edible nuts plus a section on nut plants in Britain. Very readable. [64] Howes. F. N. Vegetable Gums and Resins. Faber A very good book dealing with the subject in a readable way. [65] Frohne. D. and Pfänder. J. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants. Wolfe 1984 ISBN 0723408394 Brilliant. Goes into technical details but in a very readable way. The best work on the subject that I've come across so far. [66] Freethy. R. From Agar to Zenery. The Crowood Press 1985 ISBN 0-946284-51-2 Very readable, giving details on plant uses based on the authors own experiences. [67] Ahrendt. Berberis and Mahonia. Journal of the Linnean Society, 57 1961 Not for the casual reader, it lists all the known species in these two genera together with botanic descriptions and other relevant details for the botanist. [68] Phillips. R. Mushrooms and other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe. Pan 1981 ISBN 0-330-24441-9 Excellent photographs, it also gives details of habitats and edibility. [69] Moore. D. M. Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Anthony Nelson. 1983 ISBN 0-904614-05-0 Standard work for this part of S. America. Excellent details of habitat and a few notes on plant uses. [70] Bolton. E. Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing. Studio Vista 1972 ISBN 0-289-70288-7 A small but interesting book for the casual reader and the enthusiast. [71] Munz. A California Flora. University of California Press 1959 An excellent flora but no pictures. Not for the casual reader. [72] Small. Manual of the Southeastern Flora. Getting rather dated now, it covers Southeastern N. America. No pictures, it is not for the casual reader. [73] Adamson. and Salter. Flora of the Cape Peninsula. A good flora but rather short on details of habitat. Not for the casual reader. [74] Komarov. V. L. Flora of the USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translation 1968 An immense (25 or more large volumes) and not yet completed translation of the Russian flora. Full of information on plant uses and habitats but heavy going for casual readers. [75] Rosewarne experimental horticultural station. Shelter Trees and Hedges. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1984 A small booklet packed with information on trees and shrubs for hedging and shelterbelts in exposed maritime areas. [76] Cooper. M. and Johnson. A. Poisonous Plants in Britain and their Effects on Animals and Man. HMSO 1984 ISBN 0112425291 Concentrates mainly on the effects of poisonous plants to livestock. [77] Kelly. S. Eucalypts. (2 volumes.) Nelson, Melbourne 1969 A very readable book (in two volumes) on the many species of Eucalyptus trees in Australia. [78] Sheat. W. G. Propagation of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers. MacMillan and Co 1948 A bit dated but a good book on propagation techniques with specific details for a wide range of plants. [79] Innes. C. The World of Iridaceae Deals with many of the plants in the Iris family giving brief details of habitat and notes on cultivation. Well illustrated. [80] McMillan-Browse. P. Hardy Woody Plants from Seed. Grower Books 1985 ISBN 0-901361-21-6 Does not deal with many species but it is very comprehensive on those that it does cover. Not for casual reading. [81] Rushforth. K. Conifers. Christopher Helm 1987 ISBN 0-7470-2801-X Deals with conifers that can be grown outdoors in Britain. Good notes on cultivation and a few bits about plant uses. [82] Sargent. C. S. Manual of the Trees of N. America. Dover Publications Inc. New York. 1965 ISBN 0-486-20278-X Two volumes, a comprehensive listing of N. American trees though a bit out of date now. Good details on habitats, some details on plant uses. Not really for the casual reader. [83] Evans. R. L. Handbook of Cultivated Sedums. Science Reviews 1983 Deals with the genus Sedum. Fairly easy reading, it gives cultivation details and some notes on habitats. [84] Coyle. J. and Roberts. N. C. A Field Guide to the Common and Interesting Plants of Baja California. Natural History Publishing Co. 1975 A very readable pocket flora with good illustrations, it gives quite a few plant uses. [85] Harrington. H. D. Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains. University of New Mexico Press 1967 ISBN 0-8623-0343-9 A superb book. Very readable, it gives the results of the authors experiments with native edible plants. [86] Organ. J. Gourds. Faber 1963 Deals with squashes and their relatives. Interesting and readable, it gives cultivation techniques and some details of plant uses. [87] Woodward. L. Burge. P. Green Manures. Elm Farm Research Centre. 1982 Green manure crops for temperate areas. Quite a lot of information on a number of species. [88] RHS. The Garden. Volume 112. Royal Horticultural Society 1987 Snippets of information from the magazine of the RHS. In particular, there are articles on plants that are resistant to honey fungus, oriental vegetables, Cimicifuga spp, Passiflora species and Cucurbits. [89] Polunin. O. and Huxley. A. Flowers of the Mediterranean. Hogarth Press 1987 ISBN 0-7012-0784-1 A very readable pocket flora that is well illustrated. Gives some information on plant uses. [90] Phillips. R. and Rix. M. Bulbs Pan Books 1989 ISBN 0-330-30253-1 Superbly illustrated, it gives brief details on cultivation and native habitat. [91] Zhang Jingwei. Alpine Plants of China. Gordon & Breach. New York. 1982 ISBN 0-677-60190-5 A lovely book with nice pictures. Gives habitats and some details of plant uses. [92] Balls. E. K. Early Uses of Californian Plants. University of California Press 1975 ISBN 0-520-00072-2 A nice readable book. [93] Davis. P. H. Flora of Turkey. Edinburgh University Press 1965 Not for the casual reader, this is an immense work in many volumes. Some details of plant uses and habitats. [94] Sweet. M. Common Edible and Useful Plants of the West. Naturegraph Co. 1962 ISBN 0-911010-54-8 Useful wild plants in Western N. America. A pocket guide. [95] Saunders. C. F. Edible and Useful Wild Plants of the United States and Canada. Dover Publications 1976 ISBN 0-486-23310-3 Useful wild plants of America. A pocket guide. [96] Surey-Gent. S. and Morris. G. Seaweed - A Users Guide. Covers seaweeds of Britain. A good coverage of when and what to eat plus some other uses. [97] Towle. M. A. The Ethno-Botany of Pre-Columbian Peru. A very interesting book covering quite a lot of information on plant uses in S. America although many of the plants are not suitable for temperate areas.. [98] Gordon. A. G. and Rowe. D. C. f. Seed Manual for Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Very comprehensive guide to growing trees and shrubs from seed. Not for the casual reader. [99] Turner. N. J. Plants in British Columbian Indian Technology. British Columbia Provincial Museum 1979 ISBN 0-7718-8117-7 Excellent and readable guide. [100] Polunin. O. Flowers of Europe - A Field Guide. Oxford University Press 1969 ISBN 0192176218 An excellent and well illustrated pocket guide for those with very large pockets. Also gives some details on plant uses. [101] Turner. N. J. and Szczawinski. A. Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada. National Museum of Natural Sciences 1978 A very readable guide to some wild foods of Canada. [102] Kavasch. B. Native Harvests. Vintage Books 1979 ISBN 0-394-72811-4 Another guide to the wild foods of America. [103] Haywood. V. H. Flowering Plants of the World. Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-217674-9 Very readable and well illustrated, it lists plants by families giving the basic diagnostic features and some details of plant uses. [104] RHS. The Garden. Volume 111. Royal Horticultural Society 1986 Snippets of information from the magazine of the RHS, including an article in Crambe maritima and another on several species thought to be tender that are succeeding in a S. Devon garden. [105] Tanaka. T. Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Publishing 1976 The most comprehensive guide to edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader. [106] Coon. N. The Dictionary of Useful Plants. Rodale Press 1975 ISBN 0-87857-090-x Interesting reading but short on detail. [107] Brooker. M. I. A Key to Eucalypts in Britain and Ireland. HMSO 1983 ISBN 0-11-710192-3 A Forestry commission booklet giving details of the more common Eucalyptus species grown in Britain. Good identification guide. [108] International Bee Research Association. Garden Plants Valuable to Bees. International Bee Research Association. 1981 The title says it all. [109] Wilson. E. H. Plantae Wilsonae. Details of the palnts collected by the plant collector E. H. Wilson on his travels in China. Gives some habitats. Not for the casual reader. [110] Polhamus. L. G. Rubber: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization. Mainly tropical plants with a small section on temperate plants for rubber. [111] Sanders. T. W. Popular Hardy Perennials. Collingridge 1926 A fairly wide range of perennial plants that can be grown in Britain and how to grow them. [112] Whiting. A. G. A Summary of the Literature on Milkweeds (Asclepias spp) and their utilization. A technical paper covering the many uses of the genus Asclepias. [113] Dirr. M. A. and Heuser. M. W. The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation. Athens Ga. Varsity Press 1987 ISBN 0942375009 A very detailed book on propagating trees. Not for the casual reader. [114] Chakravarty. H. L. The Plant Wealth of Iraq. It is surprising how many of these plants can be grown in Britain. A very readable book on the useful plants of Iraq. [115] Johnson. C. P. The Useful Plants of Great Britain. Written about a hundred years ago, but still a very good guide to the useful plants of Britain. [116] Brooklyn Botanic Garden Oriental Herbs and Vegetables, Vol 39 No. 2. Brooklyn Botanic Garden 1986 A small booklet packed with information. [117] Rosengarten. jnr. F. The Book of Edible Nuts. Walker & Co. 1984 ISBN 0802707699 A very readable and comprehensive guide. Well illustrated. [118] Gunther. E. Ethnobotany of Western Washington. University of Washington Press 1981 ISBN 0-295-95258-X A small book, it is a good guide to useful plants in Western N. America. [119] Roach. F. A. Cultivated Fruits of Britain. Oxford University Press 1985 [120] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 2. 1980 - 1981. Royal Horticultural Society 1980 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including Billardiera spp, Calochortus spp, Drimys spp. [121] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 3. 1981 - 1982. Royal Horticultural Society 1981 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants.. [122] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 1. 1979 - 1980. Royal Horticultural Society 1979 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants. A good article on the flowering of bamboos. [123] ? Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th edition. It contains a few things of interest to the plant project. [124] RHS. The Garden. Volume 113. Royal Horticultural Society 1988 Snippets of information from the magazine of the RHS, including details on Podophyllum, Canna and Protea species. [125] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 5. 1983 - 1984. Royal Horticultural Society 1983 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants.. [126] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 6. 1984 - 1985. Royal Horticultural Society 1984 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including Actinidia and Wisteria species. [127] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 7. 1985 - 1986. Royal Horticultural Society 1985 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants.. [128] Laing. and Blackwell. Plants of New Zealand. Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd 1907 An old flora of New Zealand in a readable style. Some details of plant uses. [129] ? Alpine Garden Society Bulletin. Volume 56. Alpine Garden Society Excerpts from the periodical. Some details on Corydalis spp. [130] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 4. 1982 - 1983. Royal Horticultural Society 1982 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants, including Distylium racemosum and some perennial members of the family Berberidaceae. [131] Warren-Wren. S. C. Willows. David and Charles 1972 A readable guide to the willows. [132] Bianchini. F., Corbetta. F. and Pistoia. M. Fruits of the Earth. Lovely pictures, a very readable book. [133] Rice. G. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 1. Thompson and Morgan. 1987 Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. [134] Rice. G. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 2. Thompson and Morgan. 1988 Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. An interesting article on Ensete ventricosum. [135] ? The Plantsman. Vol.8. 1986 - 1987. Royal Horticultural Society 1986 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including some Cucurbitaceae. [136] Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Kew Bulletin. 1909 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1909 An interesting article on growing wild rice, Zizania aquatica and Z. latifolia. [137] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 9. 1986 - 1987. Royal Horticultural Society 1986 Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including Carya spp and Crocus sativus. [138] Bird. R. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 3. Thompson and Morgan. 1989 Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. [139] ? Flora of Chile. (in Spanish) Some information about the useful plants of Chile. [140] Kamen. B. Siberian Ginseng. Detailed information for the lay person on this medicinal plant that is so widely used in the Orient and Russia. [141] Carruthers. S. P. (Editor) Alternative Enterprises for Agriculture in the UK. Centre for Agricultural Strategy, Univ. of Reading 1986 ISBN 0704909820 Some suggested alternative commercial crops for Britain. Readable. Produced by a University study group. [142] Brouk. B. Plants Consumed by Man. Academic Press 1975 ISBN 0-12-136450-x Readable but not very comprehensive. [143] Woodcock. and Coutts. Lilies - Their Culture and Management. Country Life 1935 A classic, but dated. Deals with the genus Lilium. [144] Cribb. A. B. and J. W. Wild Food in Australia. Fontana 1976 ISBN 0-00-634436-4 A very good pocket guide. [145] Singh. Dr. G. and Kachroo. Prof. Dr. P. Forest Flora of Srinagar. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh 1976 A good flora of the western Himalayas but poorly illustrated. Some information on plant uses. [146] Gamble. J. S. A Manual of Indian Timbers. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh 1972 Written last century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader. [147] ? A Barefoot Doctors Manual. Running Press ISBN 0-914294-92-X A very readable herbal from China, combining some modern methods with traditional chinese methods. [148] Niebuhr. A. D. Herbs of Greece. Herb Society of America. 1970 A pleasant little book about Greek herbs. [149] Vines. R. A. Trees of Central Texas. University of Texas Press 1987 ISBN 0-292-78958-3 Fairly readable, it gives details of habitats and some of the uses of trees growing in Texas. [150] Watson. W. C. R. Handbook of the Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland. There are hundreds of slightly differing species of the common blackberry growing in Britain. This is a book for the dedicated. [151] Wilson. E. H. and Trollope. M. N. Corean Flora. Royal Asiatic Society 1918 A very small handbook, it does give a little bit of information on Korean plants. [152] Lassak. E. V. and McCarthy. T. Australian Medicinal Plants. A very good and readable guide to the subject. [153] Brooker. S. G., Cambie. R. C. and Cooper. R. C. Economic Native Plants of New Zealand. Oxford University Press 1991 ISBN 0-19-558229-2 An interesting and readable book on the useful plants of New Zealand. [154] Ewart. A. J. Flora of Victoria. A flora of eastern Australia, it is rather short on information that is useful to the plant project. [155] Arnberger. L. P. Flowers of the Southwest Mountains. Southwestern Monuments Ass. 1968 A lovely little pocket guide to wild plants in the southern Rockies of America. [156] Cribb. A. B. and J. W. Useful Wild Plants in Australia. William Collins Pty Ltd. Sidney 1981 ISBN 0-00-216441-8 A very readable book. [157] Wrigley. J. W. and Fagg. M. Australian Native Plants. Collins. (Australia) 1988 ISBN 0-7322-0021-0 A lovely book, written in order to encourage Australian gardeners to grow their native plants. A little bit of information for the plant project. [158] Gupta. B. L. Forest Flora of Chakrata, Dehra Dun and Saharanpur. Forest Research Institute Press 1945 A good flora for the middle Himalayan forests, sparsly illustrated. Not really for the casual reader. [159] McPherson. A. and S. Wild Food Plants of Indiana. Indiana University Press 1977 ISBN 0-253-28925-4 A nice pocket guide to this region of America. [160] Natural Food Institute, Wonder Crops. 1987. Fascinating reading, this is an annual publication. Some reports do seem somewhat exaggerated though. [161] Yanovsky. E. Food Plants of the N. American Indians. Publication no. 237. U.S. Depf of Agriculture. A comprehensive but very terse guide. Not for the casual reader. [162] Grounds. R. Ornamental Grasses. Christopher Helm 1989 ISBN 0-7470-1219-9 Cultivation details of many of the grasses and bamboos. Well illustrated. [163] RHS Lily Group. Lilies and Related Plants. Lots of interesting snippets about plants in the family Liliaceae (in the old, broad sense) [164] Bird. R. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 4. Thompson and Morgan. 1990 Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. A good article on Yuccas, one on Sagebrush (Artemesia spp) and another on Chaerophyllum bulbosum. [165] Mills. S. Y. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism. An excellent small herbal. [166] Taylor. J. The Milder Garden. Dent 1990 A good book on plants that you didn't know could be grown outdoors in Britain. [167] Holliday. I. and Hill. R. A Field Guide to Australian Trees. Frederick Muller Ltd. 1974 ISBN 0-85179-627-3 A well illustrated and very readable book, but it does not contain much information for the plant project. [168] Grae. I. Nature's Colors - Dyes from Plants. MacMillan Publishing Co. New York. 1974 ISBN 0-02-544950-8 A very good and readable book on dyeing. [169] Buchanan. R. A Weavers Garden. Covers all aspects of growing your own clothes, from fibre plants to dyes. [170] Dremann. C. G. Ground Cherries, Husk Tomatoes and Tomatilloes. Redwood City Seed Co 1985 ISBN 0-933421-03-6 Only a small booklet but it covers the various species in some depth. [171] Hill. A. F. Economic Botany. The Maple Press 1952 Not very comprehensive, but it is quite readable and goes into some a bit of detail about the plants it does cover. [172] Schofield. J. J. Discovering Wild Plants - Alaska, W. Canada and the Northwest. A nice guide to some useful plants in that area. [173] Crowe. A. Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Hodder and Stoughton 1990 ISBN 0-340-508302 A very well written and illustrated book based on the authors own experiments with living on a native diet. [174] Kariyone. T. Atlas of Medicinal Plants. A good Japanese herbal. [175] Bird. R. (Editor) Focus on Plants. Volume 5. (formerly 'Growing from seed') Thompson and Morgan. 1991 Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. A good article on Corydalis spp. [176] Yeung. Him-Che. Handbook of Chinese Herbs and Formulas. Institute of Chinese Medicine, Los Angeles 1985 A very good Chinese herbal. [177] Kunkel. G. Plants for Human Consumption. Koeltz Scientific Books 1984 ISBN 3874292169 An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of latin names with a brief list of edible parts. [178] Stuart. Rev. G. A. Chinese Materia Medica. Taipei. Southern Materials Centre A translation of an ancient Chinese herbal. Fascinating. [179] Reid. B. E. Famine Foods of the Chiu-Huang Pen-ts'ao. Taipei. Southern Materials Centre 1977 A translation of an ancient Chinese book on edible wild foods. Fascinating. [180] Kunming Inst. of Botany. Yunnan Camellias of China. Lots of information and good photos. [181] Pesman. M. W. Meet Flora Mexicana. Dale S. King. Arizona. 1962 Very readable flora but rather lacking botanically. A few notes on useful plants. [182] Thomas. G. S. Ornamental Shrubs, Climbers and Bamboos. Murray 1992 ISBN 0-7195-5043-2 Contains a wide range of plants with a brief description, mainly of their ornamental value but also usually of cultivation details and varieties. [183] Facciola. S. Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications 1990 ISBN 0-9628087-0-9 Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world. [184] Phillips. R. & Rix. M. Shrubs. Pan Books 1989 ISBN 0-330-30258-2 Excellent photographs and a terse description of 1900 species and cultivars. [185] Mitchell. A. F. Conifers in the British Isles. HMSO 1975 ISBN 0-11-710012-9 A bit out of date (first published in 1972), but an excellent guide to how well the various species of conifers grow in Britain giving locations of trees. [186] Beckett. G. and K. Planting Native Trees and Shrubs. Jarrold 1979 An excellent guide to native British trees and shrubs with lots of details about the plants. [187] Phillips. R. & Rix. M. Perennials Volumes 1 and 2. Pan Books 1991 ISBN 0-330-30936-9 Photographs of over 3,000 species and cultivars of ornamental plants together with brief cultivation notes, details of habitat etc. [188] Brickell. C. The RHS Gardener's Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd. 1990 ISBN 0-86318-386-7 Excellent range of photographs, some cultivation details but very little information on plant uses. [189] Bell. L. A. Plant Fibres for Papermaking. Liliaceae Press 1988 A good practical section on how to make paper on a small scale plus details of about 75 species (quite a few of them tropical) that can be used. [190] Chatto. B. The Dry Garden. Dent 1982 ISBN 0460045512 A good list of drought resistant plants with details on how to grow them. [191] Letter from Crarae Garden, March 1993. - 1993 A list Nothofagus species growing at Crarae Garden in Scotland. [192] Emboden. W. Narcotic Plants Studio Vista 1979 ISBN 0-289-70864-8 A lot of details about the history, chemistry and use of narcotic plants, including hallucinogens, stimulants, inebriants and hypnotics. [193] Low. T. Wild Food Plants of Australia. Angus and Robertson. 1989 ISBN 0-207-14383-8 Well presented, clear information and good photographs. An interesting read for the casual reader as well as the enthusiast [194] Parmar. C. and Kaushal. M.K. Wild Fruits of the Sub-Himalayan Region. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi. 1982 Contains lots of information on about 25 species of fruit-bearing plants of the Himalayas, not all of them suitable for cool temperate zones. [195] Farrelly. D. The Book of Bamboo Sierra Club. 1984 ISBN 0-87156-825-X Very readable, giving lots of information on the uses of bamboos, both temperate and tropical. [196] Popenoe. H. et al Lost Crops of the Incas National Academy Press 1990 ISBN 0-309-04264-X An excellent book. Very readable, with lots of information and good pictures of some lesser known food plants of S. America. [197] Royal Horticultural Society. Ground Cover Plants. Cassells. 1989 ISBN 0-304-31089-1 A handy little booklet from the R.H.S. [198] Li. H. L. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Volume 32. Arnold Arboretum. 1952 A monograph of the genus Actinidia. [199] Newsholme. C. Willows - The Genus Salix. Batsford 1992 ISBN 0713468815 A very readable book on the genus. [200] Huxley. A. The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992. MacMillan Press 1992 ISBN 0-333-47494-5 Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed. [201] Allardice.P. A - Z of Companion Planting. Cassell Publishers Ltd. 1993 ISBN 0-304-34324-2 A well produced and very readable book. [202] Davis. B. Climbers and Wall Shrubs. Viking. 1990 ISBN 0-670-82929-3 Contains information on 2,000 species and cultivars, giving details of cultivation requirements. The text is terse but informative. [203] Davies. D. Alliums. The Ornamental Onions. Batsford 1992 ISBN 0-7134-7030-5 Covers about 200 species of Alliums. A very short section on their uses, good details of their cultivation needs. [204] Livingstone. B. Flora of Canada National Museums of Canada 1978 ISBN 0-660-00025-3 In 4 volumes, it does not deal with plant uses but gives descriptions and habitats. [205] Erhardt. W. Hemerocallis. Day Lilies. Batsford. 1992 ISBN 0-7134-7065-8 A comprehensive book on the species with a short section on their uses. [206] Larkcom J. Oriental Vegetables John Murray 1991 ISBN 0-7195-4781-4 Well written and very informative. [207] Coffey. T. The History and Folklore of North American Wild Flowers. Facts on File. 1993 ISBN 0-8160-2624-6 A nice read, lots of information on plant uses. [208] Thomas. G. S. Plants for Ground Cover J. M. Dent & Sons 1990 ISBN 0-460-12609-1 An excellent detailled book on the subject, very comprehensive. [209] Chancellor. P. M. Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies C. W. Daniel Co. Ltd. 1985 ISBN 85207 002 0 Details the 38 remedies plus how and where to prescribe them. [210] Westwood. C. Aromatherapy - A guide for home use. Amberwood Publishing Ltd 1993 ISBN 0-9517723-0-9 An excellent little pocket guide. Very concise. [211] Coventry. B. O. Wild Flowers of Kashmir Raithby, Lawrence and Co. 1923 A nice little pocket guide to 50 wildflowers of Kashmir. This is part one of three, we have not seen the other two volumes [212] Craighead. J., Craighead. F. and Davis. R. A Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers The Riverside Press 1963 ISBN 63-7093 Excellent little pocket guide to the area, covering 590 species and often giving details of their uses. [213] Weiner. M. A. Earth Medicine, Earth Food. Ballantine Books 1980 ISBN 0-449-90589-6 A nice book to read though it is difficult to look up individual plants since the book is divided into separate sections dealing with the different medicinal uses plus a section on edible plants. Common names are used instead of botanical. [214] Matthews. V. The New Plantsman. Volume 1, 1994. Royal Horticultural Society 1994 ISBN 1352-4186 A quarterly magazine, it has articles on Himalayacalamus hookerianus, hardy Euphorbias and an excellent article on Hippophae spp. [215] BBC The Natural History Programme 16th September 1994. BBC 1994 A report on the Natural History radio 4 programme about the value of Japanese knot weed to British wildlife. [216] Whiting. A. F. Ethnobotany of the Hopi North Arizona Society of Science and Art 1939 A very good guide the the plant uses of the N. American Hopi Indians. [217] Les Ecologistes de l'Euzière Les Salades Sauvages Not given. 1994 ISBN 2-906128-04-X A lovely little book about some wild salads in France. Written in French. [218] Duke. J. A. and Ayensu. E. S. Medicinal Plants of China Reference Publications, Inc. 1985 ISBN 0-917256-20-4 Details of over 1,200 medicinal plants of China and brief details of their uses. Often includes an analysis, or at least a list of constituents. Heavy going if you are not into the subject. [219] Grey-Wilson. C. & Matthews. V. Gardening on Walls Collins 1983 ISBN 0-00-219220-0 A nice little book about plants for growing against walls and a small section on plants that can grow in walls. [220] Stapleton. C. Bamboos of Nepal The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 1994 ISBN 0947643680 An excelllent little booklet that looks in some detail at the native bamboos of Nepal, including looking at their uses. [221] Crook. H. Clifford. Campanulas Country Life 1951 A comprehensive treatment of the genus. [222] Foster. S. & Duke. J. A. A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1990 ISBN 0395467225 A concise book dealing with almost 500 species. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. Very good as a field guide, it only gives brief details about the plants medicinal properties. [223] Rottsieper. E.H.W. Vegetable Tannins The Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Co. Ltd. 1946 A fairly detailed treatise on the major sources of vegetable tannins. [224] Bartram. T. Agnus Castus - A leaflet that summarizes the medicinal virtues of Vitex agnus-castus. [225] Knees. S. The New Plantsman. Volume 2, 1995. Royal Horticultural Society 1995 ISBN 1352-4186 A quarterly magazine, it has articles on Coprosma species, [226] Lauriault. J. Identification Guide to the Trees of Canada Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Ontario. 1989 ISBN 0889025649 Very good on identification for non-experts, the book also has a lot of information on plant uses. [227] Vines. R.A. Trees of North Texas University of Texas Press. 1982 ISBN 0292780206 A readable guide to the area, it contains descriptions of the plants and their habitats with quite a bit of information on plant uses. [228] McGregor. R. L. & Barkley. T. M. Flora of the Great Plains. University Press of Kansas. 1986 ISBN 070060295x A useful source of habitats. [229] Elias. T. The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1980 ISBN 0442238622 A very good concise guide. Gives habitats, good descriptions, maps showing distribution and a few of the uses. It also includes the many shrubs that occasionally reach tree proportions. [230] Cribb. P. & Bailes. C. Hardy Orchids. Orchids for the Garden and Frost-free Greenhouse. Christopher Helm. London. 1989 ISBN 0 7470 0416 1 An excellent book looking at the orchids that can be grown outdoors in temperate climates and giving lots of information on how to grow them. Very lttle information on their uses. [231] McMillan-Browse. P. Palms for Cooler Climates. Trebah Enterprises. 1993 ISBN 0 9521952 0 8 An excellent little booklet on the subject, though it does not mention many plant uses. [232] Castro. M. The Complete Homeopathy Handbook. Macmillan. London. 1990 ISBN 0-333-55581-3 A concise beginner's guide to the subject. Very readable. [233] Thomas. G. S. Perennial Garden Plants J. M. Dent & Sons, London. 1990 ISBN 0 460 86048 8 A concise guide to a wide range of perennials. Lots of cultivation guides, very little on plant uses. [234] - Radio 4 Farming Programme, 25/08/95. - 1995 An article on the potential of Coriandrum sativum as an oil crop. [235] Britton. N. L. Brown. A. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada Dover Publications. New York. 1970 ISBN 0-486-22642-5 Reprint of a 1913 Flora, but still a very useful book. [236] Hitchcock. A. S. Manual of the Grasses of the United States Dover Publications. New York. 1971 ISBN 0-486-22717-0 A nice and comprehensive flora, though a bit dated. Good line drawings of each plant, plus a brief idea of the habitat and a few notes on plant uses. Not for the casual reader. [237] Hobbs. C. Ginkgo. Elixir of Youth. Botanica Press, California. 1994 ISBN 0-9618470-3-4 Looks in detail at the medicinal virtues and also mentions some of the plants other uses. The information on traditional Chinese use and modern herbal use of the plant is backed up by an extensive bibliography. [238] Bown. D. Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses. Dorling Kindersley, London. 1995 ISBN 0-7513-020-31 A very well presented and informative book on herbs from around the globe. Plenty in it for both the casual reader and the serious student. Just one main quibble is the silly way of having two separate entries for each plant. [239] Kohlein. F. Gentians. Christopher Helm. London. 1991 ISBN 0-88192-192-0 A nice readable book, giving details of habitats and cultural needs of all the members of this genus, with brief notes on other members of the family. [240] Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. 1986 Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader. [241] Tsarong. Tsewang. J. Tibetan Medicinal Plants Tibetan Medical Publications, India 1994 ISBN 81-900489-0-2 A nice little pocket guide to the subject with photographs of 95 species and brief comments on their uses. [242] Davies. P. Correspondence from Allium NCCPG collection 1997 Letter dated 21/01/97, giving additional information on Alium species. [243] Medicinal Plants of Nepal Dept. of Medicinal Plants. Nepal. 1993 Terse details of the medicinal properties of Nepalese plants, including cultivated species and a few imported herbs. [244] Phillips. R. & Foy. N. Herbs Pan Books Ltd. London. 1990 ISBN 0-330-30725-8 Deals with all types of herbs including medicinal, culinary, scented and dye plants. Excellent photographs with quite good information on each plant. [245] Genders. R. Scented Flora of the World. Robert Hale. London. 1994 ISBN 0-7090-5440-8 An excellent, comprehensive book on scented plants giving a few other plant uses and brief cultivation details. There are no illustrations. [246] Radio 4 AM - 1997 A news item on the Radio 4 morning news programme 'AM', 15/10/97. [247] Knees. S. The New Plantsman. Volume 4. Royal Horticultural Society, London 1997 ISBN 1352-4186 A few articles of interest, especially Berberdopsis corallina and Tropaeolum species. [248] Anderson. A. New Scientist IPC Magazines Ltd, London 1997 ISBN 0262-4079 A short item on a couple of soil reclamation plants, Atropa belladonna and Solanum nigrum [249] Valder. P. Wisterias: a comprehensive guide. Florilegium. Australia. 1995 ISBN 0-646-22049-7 Excellent information and photographs of this genus with a little bit about their uses. [250] Page. M. The Gardener's Guide to Growing Peonies. David & Charles. Newton Abbot. 1997 ISBN 0 7153 0531 X A nice little book on the genus, giving information on their cultivation and a little info on plant uses. [251] Grenfell. Diana The Gardener's Guide to Growing Hostas David &Charles 1996 ISBN 0-7153-0431-3 Excellent cover of the genus, though it concentrates mainly on the cultivars and does not go much into plant uses. [252] - Scientific American August 1998 Scientific American Inc. New York 1998 ISBN 0036-8733 An interesting article on the use of halophytes as commercial food crops in dessert areas near the sea. Unfortunately lacking in detail of species used and also judges the plant's value as livestock feed rather than direct human food. [253] Hodgson I. (Editor) The Garden Volume 123 Royal Horticultural Society 1998 ISBN 0308-5457 Articles on Fuchsia species, cultivars of Blackberries. [254] Chevallier. A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley. London 1996 ISBN 9-780751-303148 An excellent guide to over 500 of the more well known medicinal herbs from around the world. [255] Solgar Vitamins Solgar New Product Information - Rhodiola Vegicaps. Solgar Vitamins, Tring, Herts. 1998 Information sheet from Solgar Vitamins, looking at the herbal use of Rhodiola rosea. [256] Turner. N. J. Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples UBC Press. Vancouver. 1995 ISBN 0-7748-0533-1 Excellent little handbook about the native food plants of Western Canada. Good descriptions of the plants and their uses with colour photos of most plants. [257] Moerman. D. Native American Ethnobotany Timber Press. Oregon. 1998 ISBN 0-88192-453-9 Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader. [258] RHS. Wisley, Surrey. The Garden. Volume 124. 1999. RHS. Wisley, Surrey. 1999 ISBN 0308 5457 The monthly newsletter of the RHS, contains articles on Erythroniums. Introduction to Permaculture by Bill Mollison and Reny Mia Slay. 1991. Tagari Publishers, Tyalgum, Australia. 198 p. Permaculture One: A Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements, 3rd ed (Reprint of 1978 ed) by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. 1987. Tagari Publishers, Tyalgum, New South Wales, Australia. 127 p. Permaculture Two: A Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture by Bill Mollison. 1979. Tagari Press, Stanley, Australia. 150 p. Permaculture: A Designer's Manual by Bill Mollison. 1988. Tagari Publications, Tyalgum, Australia. 576 p. The Best of Permaculture by Max O. Lindegger and Robert Tap. 1986. Nascimanere Publishers, Nambour, Australia. 136 p. The Permaculture Way: Practical Ways to Create a Self-Sustaining World by Graham Bell. 1992. Thorsons, London. 239 p. The Permaculture Garden by Graham Bell. 1994. Thorsons, London. 170 p. Urban Permaculture by David Watkins. 1993. Permanent Publications, U.K. 152 p. Permaculture in a Nutshell by Patrick Whitefield. 1993. Permanent Publications, U.K. 75 p. Earth User's Guide to Permaculture by Rosemary Morrow and Rob Allsop. 1994. Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, NSW Australia. 152 p. Getting Started in Permaculture by Ross and Jennifer Mars. 1995. Candlelight Trust, Hovea, Western Australia. 60 p. Organic Gardening by Peter Bennett, ISBN 1 86436 043 7 Eco Gardening, The six priorities, Corolie Whitby, ISBN 0 7270 1350 5 The Green Technology House and Garden Book, ATA publications ISBN 0 646 15196 7 Farming in ponds and Dams, An introduction to freshwater aquaculture in Australia, Nick Romanowski, ISBN 0 85091 630 5. Getting food from water, a guide to backyard aquaculture, Gene Logsdon, ISBN 0 87857 232 5. Magazines which have been usefull to me include : Grass Roots ...................... craft and self suffiency. Renew, ............................ (was called Soft Technology) Earth Garden ...................Gardening and self suffiency Permaculture international .... all things permie ... all over the world Mollison, Bill, Global Gardener (Bullfrog Films, 1991). Mollison, Bill and Reny Mia Slay, Introduction to Permaculture, 5th. ed. Adelson, Glenn and D. Perlman, Biodiversity (Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Science, 1997) Pilarski, Michael (ed.) 1994. Restoration Forestry. Kivaki Press, Durango, CO. Small is Beautiful, by E.F.Schumacher. Why we can't wait for the politicians and economists to put the world to rights, and how we can maybe start to organise a 'parallel economy'. Woodland Crafts in Britain, by H.L.Edlin. Everything society needs in a pre- or post-plastic world. My Desert Island Book. Design/Inspiration Books "Permaculture: A Designer's Manual" by Bill Mollison Tagari Publications (c)1988, reprinted 1998 'Permaculture One' Mollison & Holmgren 0 552 98060 9 Corgi Book 1978 'Permaculture Two' - no details as it's on loan 'The Manual of Practical Homesteading' John Vivian, Rodale Press 1975, Emmaus Pa., 0 87857 092 6 'Complete Organic Growing' Johnathan Sturm, Southern Holdings 1992, Launceston, Tasmania, ISBN 094089184 'Surviving in the Eighties' Michael Boddy & Richard Beckett, George Allen & Unwin Australia 1980, ISBN 0 06861 106 9 'The Wilderness Garden' Jackie French, Aird Books, Melbourne 1992 0 947214 25 9 'Esther Deans' Gardening Book', Esther Deans, Harper & Row, 1977, ISBN 06 312 0011 'Permaculture A Practical Guide for a Sustainable Future', Bill Mollison, Island Press 1990, ISBN 1 55963 048 5 'The Best of Permaculture A collection' Lindegger/Tap, Nascimanere, Nambour, Qld, ISBN 0 0589585 0 5 'Earth User's Guide to Permaculture' Rosemary Morrow, Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, NSW, ISBN 0 86417 514 0 Non-chemical/General useful stuff 'The essential It's so Natural' Alan Hayes, Harper Collins, ISBN 0 7322 5921 5 Eliot Coleman - 2 books 'The New Organic Grower', Chelsea Green, Chelsea, Vermont, ISBN 0 930031 22 9 'Four-Season Harvest',Chelsea Green, Chelsea, Vermont, ISBN 0 930031 57 1 Jackie French - 3 books 'A-Z of Useful Plants'Aird Books, Melbourne 1990, ISBN 0 947214 07 0 'Natural Control of Garden Pests', Aird Books, Melbourne 1990, ISBN 0 947214 13 5 ''Soil Food, 1372 ways to add fertility to your soil', Aird Books, Melbourne, 1995, ISBN 0 947214 44 5 'Farming for Self-sufficiency' John & Sally Seymour, Schoken Books, New York 1973, printed prior to intro of ISBN. 'The Rodale Herb Book' Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pa, 1976, ISBN 0 87857 076 4 The Wholeness of Nature : Goethe's Way Toward a Science of Conscious Participation in Nature (Renewal in Science) Henri Bortoft / Paperback / Published 1996 Goethe's Way of Science : A Phenomenology of Nature (Suny Series in Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology) David Seamon (Editor), Arthur Zajonc (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1998 Goethe's Way of Science : A Phenomenology of Nature (Suny Series in the Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology) David Seamon (Editor), Arthur Zajonc (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1998 The Other Mind of Europe : Goethe As a Scientist J.P.S. Uberoi / Hardcover / Published 1986 The Treatment of nature in German literature from GËunther to the appearance of Goethe's Werther Max Batt Holistic Resource Management Vol 1 Allan Savory / Hardcover / Published 1989 Holistic Resource Management : A Model for a Healthy Planet Vol 1 Allan Savory / Paperback / Published 1989 Brother Crow, Sister Corn : Traditional American Indian Gardening Carol Buchanan / Paperback / Published 1997 Enduring Seeds : Native American Agriculture and Wild Plant Conservation Gary Paul Nabhan / Paperback / Published 1991 Four Seasons of Corn : A Winnebago Tradition Sally M. Hunter, Joe Allen (Illustrator) / Paperback / Published 1996 Modeling Prehistoric Agricultural Productivity in Southwestern Colorado : A Gis Approach Carla Van R. West, et al / Paperback / Published 1997 Native American Gardening : Stories, Projects and Recipes for Families Michael J. Caduto, Joseph Bruchac / Paperback / Published 1996 Agricultural Origins and Development in the Midcontinent (Report / Office of the State Archaeologist, Vol 19) William Green (Editor), et al / Paperback / Published 1994 Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden : Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians (Borealis) Gilbert L. Wilson / Paperback / Published 1987 Early Formative Adaptations in the Southern Southwest (Monographs in World Archaeology, No 25) Barbara J. Roth (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1996 Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands (The Ripley P. Bullen) C. Margaret Scarry (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1993 Household Ecology : Economic Change and Domestic Life Among the Kekchi Maya in Belize Richard R. Wilk / Paperback / Published 1997 Hunting by Prehistoric Horticulturalists in the American Southwest (The Evolution of the North American Indians) Christine R. Szuter / Hardcover / Published 1991 In the Society of Nature : A Native Ecology in Amazonia (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, No 93) Philippe Descola / Hardcover / Published 1994 In the Three Sisters Garden : Native American Traditions, Myths, and Culture Around the Theme of the Garden (Common Roots Guidebook) Joanne Dennee, et al / Paperback / Published 1995 Irrigation & the Cuicatec Ecosystem : A Study of Agriculture & Civilization in North Central Oaxaca (Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, Univ of M) Joseph W. Hopkins / Paperback / Published 1984 The Marana Community in the Hohokam World (Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, No 56) Suzanne K. Fish, et al / Paperback / Published 1992 Maya Subsistence : Studies in Memory of Dennis E. Puleston Kent Flannery / Hardcover / Published 1982 Neither Wolf Nor Dog : American Indians, Environment, and Agrarian Change David Rich Lewis / Hardcover / Published 1994 Peasants on the Edge : Crop, Cult, and Crisis in the Andes William P. Mitchell / Hardcover / Published 1991 Prehistory of the Ayacucho Basin, Peru Vol 3 Richard S. MacNeish / Hardcover / Published 1980 Prophets of Agroforestry : Guarani Communities and Commercial Gathering Richard K. Reed / Hardcover / Published 1995 Rivers of Change : Essays on Early Agriculture in Eastern North America Bruce D. Smith, et al / Hardcover / Published 1992 Tiwanaku and Its Hinterland : Archaeology and Paleoecology of an Andean Civilization : Agroecology (Smithsonian Series in Archaeological Inquiry) Vol 1 Alan L. Kolata (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1996 The Warm Valley People : Duality and Land Reform Among the Quechua Indians of Highland Peru Harald O. Skar / Hardcover / Published 1983 American Indian Agricultural Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on H.R. 1425, to improve the management, productivity, and use of Indian agricultural lands and resources, hearing held in Washington, DC, June 18, 1993 Parmana : Prehistoric Maize and Manioc Subsistence Along the Amazon and Orinoco (Studies in Archaeology) Anna Curtenius Roosevelt / Published 1980 A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants : Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guide Series, 40) Steven Foster, James A. Duke / Hardcover / Published 1990 The Green Pharmacy : New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World's Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs James A. Duke / Hardcover / Published 1997 Sensitive Chaos : The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air Theodor Schwenk / Paperback / Published 1996 Feeds and Feeding A Handbook for the Student and Stockman Frank B. Morrison Morrison Publishing Company first publisheed 1898, 22nd Edition, 1957 1165 pps. - Poultry books: Successful Poultry Management Morley A. Jull 1943, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 467 pps. Poultry Management Heuser, Hall, Bruckner, Gregory 1952, J.B. Lippincott Co. 565 pps. The Rural Science Series Edited by L.H. Bailey MacMillan, publisher - Practical Poultry-Farming Louis M. Hurd first published 1928, my copy is 1942, MacMillan 454 pps. . Farm Poultry by Watson . The Feeding of Animals by Jordan . The Diseases of Animals by Mayo - Lippincott's Farm Manuals Edited by Kary C. Davis, PhD (Cornell) - Productive Poultry Husbandry A Complete Text Dealing With the Principles and Practices Involved in the Management of Poultry By Harry R. Lewis, B.S. 329 Illustrations in the Text 2nd edition, 1914 536 pps. J.B. Lippincott, publisher Poultry Production by William Adams Lippincott Professor of Poultry Husbandry, Kansas State Agricultural College 3rd Rev. Ed. 1921 541 pps. with 243 engravings Lea & Feibiger, publisher Philadelphia and New York [my copy was once on the shelves of Pocono Mountain Jr.-Sr. High School Library Swiftwater, Pennsylvania Pocono Township Consolidated and High School Book No. 5] Books Renewable Natural Resources The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka, 1985. Permaculture: A Designers' Manual by Bill Mollison. Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture by Russell J. Smith, 1929. The Permaculture Garden by Graham Bell, 1994. Holistic Resource Management by Alan Savory. Social Studies _Living the Good Life and _Continuing the Good Life_ by Helen and Scott Nearing. Dumbing Us Down by John Gatto. Communities Directory by the Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1995. Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh by Helena Norberg-Hodge, 1991. Invest Yourself Commission on Voluntary Service and Action, New York, New York, 1993. "The catalogue of Volunteer Opportunities." Building Thermal Delight in Architecture by Lisa Heschong, 1979. The Straw Bale House by Steen, Steen, and Bainbridge, 1994. Food Preparation Stocking Up III: The All-New Edition of America's Classic Preserving Guide by Carol Hupping, 1986. Ferment and Human Nutrition by Bill Mollison, Published by Tagari Press, 1993. Catalogues Peaceful Valley Farm Supply P.O. Box 2209, Grass Valley, CA 95945. Phone: 916-272-4769. Real Goods 966 Mazzoni Street; Ukiah, CA 95482-3471. Phone: 800-762-7325; Fax 707-468-9486. Island Press Environmental Sourcebook "Books for better conservation management." P.O. Box 7; Covelo, CA 95428. Phone: 800-828-1302; Fax 707-983-6414. Periodicals The Permaculture Activist P.O. Box 1209; Black Mountain, NC 28711. Contact, Peter Bane. The Permaculture International Journal P.O. Box 6039; South Lismore; NSW 2480, Australia. Phone: 066-220-020; Fax: 066-220-579; (electronic mail). Permaculture Drylands Jounal P.O. Box 64184; Tucson, AZ 85728. Communities Louis Bromfield's books Wes Jackson, "Altars of Unhewn Stone" Bill Duesing, edited by Suzanne Duesing, "Living on the Earth" ------------------ "Plowman's Folly," and "A Second Look," both by Edward H. Faulkner "Shattering" by Cary Fowler and Pat Mooney, 1990 An excellent, readable, and comprehensive exploration of the issues surrounding the loss of genetic diversity. "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn 1992 "An Acres U.S.A. Primer" Charles Walters, Jr. and C.J. Fenzau ------------------ Jane Gussow, "Chicken Little, Tomato Sauce & Agriculture." ------------------ "So Shall You Reap: Farming and Crops in Human Affairs" by Otto T. and Dorothy Solbrig 1994 Shearwater Books / Island Press Presents a general account on the co-evolution of agriculture, agricultural crops and human societies. A nice mix of general historical overview, vignettes, and information about crop plants. I used it in an undergraduate course and the students loved it. ------------------ "Science in Agriculture," Arden Anderson ------------------ Brady,N.C. and R. R. Weil. 1996. THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF SOILS, 11TH ED. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 740p. This is an ecologically-oriented revision of the book that has the standard treatise on soils since the 1920s. The most authoritative book on all aspects of sustainable soil management. With lots of illustrations, references and diagrams, the book is still very readable for the average person with a good high school education in basic science. Includes extensive information on soil organic matter managment, soil life and ecology, organic and inorganic fertilizer materials, compsting, soil quality, soil profiles, soil conservation, water management, tilth, and the like. Magdoff, Fred. 1992. BUILDING BETTER SOILS FOR BETTER CROPS. University of Nebraska Press. 176 p This is a small, but practical book that explains the basics of managing soil organic matter to improve soil quality. This very readable book focuses on soil management as particularily relevant for grain and livestock farmers. -------------- David B. Danbom. Born in the Country: A History of Rural America. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. A general history of agriculture and rural life in the United States from Colonial times through the present. By necessity, there's not a lot of detail, but it covers a lot of ground. Would make a decent basic text for a course in U.S. ag history. Willard W. Cochrane. The Development of American Agriculture: A Historical Analysis. Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1993. A classic. Primarily an economic orientation, but plenty of coverage of social concerns, too. Lots of detail, particularly on role of technology in ag development. James R. Shortridge. The Middle West: Its Meaning in American Culture. Univ. Press of Kansas, 1989. A nice little book, especially for Midwesterners. Basic premise is that the Middle West is what and where you think it is, and that what we think it is is complicated by its being both breadbasket and industrial heartland. William Cronon. Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West. Norton, 1991. A social/economic history of the development of Chicago. Main premise: the city depended on its hinterland as much as the other way around. Interesting stuff. John Fraser Hart. The Land That Feeds Us: The Story of American Farming.Norton, 1991. Definitely not academic. Accounts of farming from regions around the country. Highlights cultural and practical differences. Some interesting history, too. National Research Council. Alternative Agriculture. National Academy Press, 1989. Analysis of alternatives to conventional ag production in the 1990s. Not basic, but not that hard to read, either. Gary Comstock (ed.). Is There a Moral Obligation to Save the Family Farm? Iowa State University Press, 1987. A series of essays on the title topic by economists, sociologists, philosophers, farmers, and others. Lists of suggested readings, too. A must for those interested in the "family farm" question. Marty Strange. Family Farming: A New Economic Vision. Univ of Nebraska Press, 1988. Read this one along with the previous two. >From Land to Mouth: Understanding the Food System Brewster Kneen. NC Press. An excellent overview of the *logic* behind the modern food system, namely distancing, uniformity, and continuous flow. This book is the basis for most of my studies. New Roots for Agriculture Wendell Berry. Sierra Club Essays on the history of the development of agribusiness and the plight of farmers. The Intimate Commodity Anthony Winson. Garamond Press Similar to above, only Canadian history. A Garden of Unearthly Delights Robin Mather. Dutton A very accessible account of the *pros* and cons of biotechnology. Really well written and entertaining -- more ethnographic than agricultural, but quite relevant. The New Organic Grower Eliot Coleman Don't just read about it, do it! Agricultural tehcniques for sustainable production. -------------- A classic collection is Joan Gussow's The Feeding Web (1978). Also, Brewster Kneen's From Land to Mouth- Understanding the Food System (1993) and Planting the Future- Developing an Agriculture that Sustains Land and Community edited by Bird, Bultena, and Gardner. ---------------- Mothers & Others has written a practical consumer guide called "The Way We Grow: Good-Sense Solutions to Protecting Our Families From Pesticides In Food" (Berkley Books, 1993, $8.95, 90 pages). It covers current methods of food production, sustainable agriculture as a new food system, actions to take to protect families, farmers and the environment (how to get organic and local food into supermarkets, restaurants, etc.), and includes a foreword by T. Berry Brazelton, MD. ------------- All of the Wendell Berry books: "The Unsettling of America" something like, "Sex, Community and ..." "The Gift of Good Land" -------------- We review such books regularly in the Book Stall department of Farmer's Market Online ( Here's a few we've reviewed and found of value recently. A Garden Of Unearthly Delights: Bioengineering and the Future of Food by Robin Mather Dutton, 1995, $23.95 cloth. As an advocate of sustainable agriculture, Mather approaches the issue of bioengineered food products with a skeptical and often critical eye. REFORMING AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY POLICY, by Brian D. Wright an Bruce L. Gardner. 164 pp. AEI Press, 1995. $29.95 cloth. As Congress pushes its "Freedom to Farm" act toward the President's desk, this volume provides some timely reading. Published by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, it contains the results of two studies on U.S. agricultural poicies that provide insight into the politics of and options for the 1995 Farm Bill. THE ORCHARD ALMANAC: A Seasonal Guide to Healthy Fruit Trees, by Steve Page and Joe Smillie. 176 pp. AgAccess, 1995. $16.95 paper plus $4 shipping from agAccess, P.O. Box 2008, Davis, CA 95617; fax (916)756-7188. Growing sweet, unblemished and bug-free fruit is never easy; doing it with little or no chemical inputs is downright difficult. As any backyard orchardist is well aware, organic growers deserve whatever premiums they seek. FOOD AND WINE ONLINE: A Guide to Culinary Online Services by Gary Holleman. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995. In a vocation as tangible and personal as cooking, it may be surprising to discover how many professional chefs not only own computers, but are actively cruising the Internet and various bulletin board systems. This book is written for chefs and other food service people who are already online, or who plan to go that direction soon; it is their cyberspace guidebook, no matter how experienced. SO SHALL YOU REAP:Farming and Crops in Human Affairs Otto T. Solbrig and Dorothy J. Solbrig Island Press, ISBN 1-55963-308-5 "Only in the last 200 years have agriculturists come to dominate the planet," note Harvard biologist Otto Solbrig and biology librarian Dorothy Solbrig. In their co-authored history of farming, So Shall You Reap, they detail the gradual emergence of agriculture and how it changed human history and the world's environment. THE CONTRARY FARMER Gene Logsdon Chelsea Green Publishing Co., $21.95 cloth, ISBN 0-930031-67-9 Much of Logsdon's writing, particularly in The Contrary Farmer, is meant to inspire people to buy a small plot of land, till its soil, grow a crop or two, and to invest themselves in the local community. He offers practical advice on mulching, raising hogs, building ponds, cutting firewood and other skills of rural life, but most importantly he provides a philosophical framework for a fulfilling life outside of mainstream consumerism. AT NATURE'S PACE:Farming and the American Dream Gene Logsdon Pantheon Books, $23 cloth, ISBN 0-0679-42741-4 The collection of essays in At Nature's Pace argue against single-crop megafarms, which are moving toward an economic and biological crisis, in favor of frugal and sustainable cottage farms. Logsdon envisions a return to the kind of farming practiced before farmers became obsessed with expanding their acreages, increasing their profits and living more like city folk. The 2 volume set of "Albrecht Papers". (From ACRES USA at 1 800 355 5313). He was one of the world experts on soil and plant/animal nutrition, from the U of MO. He did major and vital work about a generation ago; still highly valid. -------------- These are more philosophical than practical. I am not sure that they are still in print. Hyams, Edward Soil and Civilization Harper Colophon Books, 1976. rev. ed Carter, Vernon Gill & Tom Dale Topsoil and Civilization University of Oklahoma Press, 1974 ------------- ----------------- OTHER RESOURCES FOR LISTS OF AGRICULTURAL BOOKS Several people recommended Acres USA as an excellent source of sustainable ag books: "They have a lot of really good books on agriculture, both practical and philosophical. Some are published by ACRES, USA and some are brokered through them." Acres USA: 504-889-2100, fax 504-889-2777, PO Box 8800 Metarie, Louisiana 70011-8800 One person provided the following toll-free number: 1 800 355 5313. (This might be meant primarily for orders.) ---------------- Request the booklist from terrific catalog! available by email. They respond within 24 hrs with a fat file of excellent titles. Also, contact the Price-Pottinger foundation PO Box 2614, LaMesa, CA 91943-2614 (619) 574 7763. --------------- We review such books regularly in the Book Stall department of Farmer's Market Online ( Farmer's Market Online, is available by e-mail free of charge on request to ---------------- The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center/ National Agricultural Library publish an annual "Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books". It lists recent books added to the library collection and gives a brief description of each. Printed copies are free. You may also see this publication (and previous editions...they don't overlap) via their www homepage: Alternative Farming Systems Information Center National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA Room 304 10301 Baltimore Blvd. Beltsville MD 20705-2351 301-504-6559 301-504-6409 FAX -------------------- Books Purchased in 1992-1993 by Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (available through UNL Libraries) June 1993 1991-1992 Green Index: A State-by-State Guide to the Nation's Environmental Health. Hall, Bob and Mary Lee Kerr (1992) 2020 Visions: Long View of a Changing World. Carlson, Richard and Bruce Goldman (90) A Farmer's Guide to On-Farm Research. Janke, Rhonda (90) After the Green Revolution: Sustainable Agriculture for Development. Conway, Gordon R. and Edward Barbier (90) Agriculture Beyond 2000. Poostchi, Iraj (92) Agroecology. Carroll, C. Ron, John H. Vandermeer and Peter M. Rosset, ed. (90) Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture. Gliessman, Stephen (90) Alternative Agriculture: Scientists' Review. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (90) Alternative Agriculture. National Research Council (89) Appropriate Biotechnology in Small Scale Agriculture: How to Reorient Research and Development. Bunders, Joske F.G. and Jacqueline E.W. Broerse, ed. (91) Biodiversity. Wilson, E. O., ed. (88) Cereal-Legume Cropping Systems: Nine Farm Case Studies in the Northern Plains, Canadian Praries and Intermountain Northwest. Matheson, Nancy (91) Conservation of Natural Resources: A Resource Mangement Approach. Castillon, David A. (92) Conserving the World's Biological Diversity. McNeely, Jeffrey, Kenton R. Miller, Walter V. Reid, Russel Mittermeier and Timothy B. Werner (90) Crop Residue Management for Conservation: Proceedings of a National Conference. Soil and Water Conservation Society (91) Cycles of Soil: Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Sulfur, Micronutrients. Stevenson, F. J. (86) Data Analysis in Community and Landscape Ecology. Jongman, R.H.G., C.J.F. Braak and O.F.R. van Tongeren, ed. (87) Defending the Future: A Guide to Sustainable Development. Holmberg, Johan, Stephen Bass and Lloyd Timberlake (91) Educational Renaissance: Our Schools at the Turn of the Twenty -First Century. Cetron, Marvin and Margaret Gayle (91) Effects of Conservation Tillage on Ground Water Quality. Logan, Terry J., James M. Davidson and Michael R. Overcash (87) Empty Harvest: Understanding the Link Between Our Food, Our Immunity, and Our Planet. Jensen, Bernard and Mark Anderson (90) Energy and the Environment in the 21st Century. Tester, Jefferson W., David O. Wood and Nancy A. Ferrari, ed. (91) Energy and the Ecological Economics of Sustainability. Peet, John (92) Environmental Effects of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Programs: the Phillippines Case. Cruz, Wilfrido and Robert Repetto (92) Family Farming, a New Economic Vision. Strange, Marty (88) Farming in Nature's Image: An Ecological Approach to Agriculture. Soule, Judith D. and Jon K. Piper (92) Farming, Fertilizers and the Nitrate Problem. Addiscott, T.M., A.P. Whitemore and D.S. Powlson (91) Fertile Soil: A Grower's Guide to Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Parnes, Robert (90) >From the Ground Up: Wisconsin Sustainable Farmers Tell of Their Practice and Vision. Irwin, Mike (90) Getting Tough: Public Policy and the Management of Pesticide Resistance. Dover, Michael and Brian Croft (84) Global Diversity Strategy: Guidelines for Action to Save, Study, and Use Earth's Biotic Wealth Sustainably and Equitably. World Resources Institute (92) Green Fields Forever: The Conservation Tillage Revolution in America. Little, Charles E. (87) Growing Our Future: Food Security and the Environment. Smith, Katie and Tetsunao Yamamori, ed. (92) Guidelines for Increasing Fish and Wildlife on Farms and Ranches: With Ideas for Supplemental Income Sources for Rural Families. Henderson, Robert, ed. (88) Harvest of Hope: The Potential for Alternative Agriculture to Reduce Pesticide Use. Curtis, Jennifer (91) Healthy Harvest: A Directory of Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture Organizations. Healthy Harvest Society (92) Imperiled Planet: Restoring Our Endangered Ecosystems. Goldsmith, Edward, Peter Bunyard, Nicholas Hildyard and Patrick McCully (90) In Praise of Nature. Mills, Stephanie, ed. (90) Intensive Grazing Management: Forage, Animals, Men, Profits. Smith, Burt, Pingsun Leung and George Love (86) Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity. Hudson, Wendy E. (91) Learning to Listen to the Land. Willers, Bill, ed. (91) Lessons from Nature: Learning to Live Sustainably on the Earth. Chiras, Daniel D. (92) Livestock Health and Nutrition Alternatives: Proceedings of a Western States Conference. Hilander, Sally K., ed. (91) Meeting the Expectations of the Land: Essays in Sustainable Agriculture and Stewardship. Jackson, Wes, Wendell Berry and Bruce Colman, ed. (84) Megatrends 2000: Ten New Directions for the 1990's. Naisbitt, John and Patricia Aburdene (90) No-tillage Farming/Minimum Tillage Farming. Young, H.M. and William Hayes (82) Nature Tourism: Managing for the Environment. Whelan, Tensie, ed. (91) New Roots for Agriculture. Jackson, Wes (80) Our Country, the Planet: Forging a Partnership for Survival. Ramphal, Shridath (92) Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century. Toffler, Alvin (90) Prescriptions for Healthy Farm Animals. Herrick, Dr. John B. (91) Preserving Communities and Corridors. Macintosh, Gay (89) Private Lands Wildlife Management: A Technical Guidance Manual and Correspondence Course. Barnes, T.G. (92) Protective Plantation Technology. Kaifu, Xiang, Shi Jiachen, N.W. Baer and J.W. Sturrock, ed. (90) Research Priorities for Conservation Biology. Soule, Michael E. and Kathryn A. Kohm (89) Resourceful Farming: A Primer for Family Farmers. The Small Farm Resources Project, Center for Rural Affairs (87) Rural Environmental Planning for Sustainable Communities. Sargent, Frederic O., Paul Lusk, Jose Rivera and Maria Varela (91) State of the World 1992. Brown, Lester R., et al. (World Resources Institute) (91) Steady-State Economics: Second Edition with New Essays. Daly, Herman E. (91) Sucessful Small-Scale Farming: An Organic Approach. Schwenke, Karl (91) Sustainable Agriculture: A Brighter Outlook for Fish and Wildlife. Robinson, Ann Y. (90) Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Edwards, Clive A., Rattan Lal, Patrick Madden, Robert H. Miller and Gar House, ed. (90) Sustainable Agriculture Directory of Expertise 1993. Sustainable Agriculture Network (National Ag Library) (93) Sustainable Agriculture in Temperate Zones. Francis, Charles A., Cornelia Butler Flora and Larry D. King, ed. (90) Switching to a Sustainable System: Strategies for Converting from Conventional/Chemical to Sustainable/Organic Farming Systems. Kirschenmann, Frederick (88) Teacher's Guide to World Resources 1992-93. World Resources Institute (92) The Farmer's Fertilizer Handbook: How to Make Your Own NPK Recommendation. Cramer, Craig, ed. (86) The River of the Mother of God. Leopold, Aldo. Susan L. Flander and J. Baird Callicott, ed. (91) The Changing Atmosphere: A Global Challenge. Firor, John (90) The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener. Coleman, Eliot (89) The Philosophy and Practice of Wildlife Management. Gilbert, Frederick F. and Donald G. Dodds (92) Tools for Organic Farming: A Manual of Appropriate Equipment and Treatments. McRobie, George, ed. (90) Transforming Technology: An Agenda for Environmentally Sustainable Growth in the Twenty-first Century. Heaton, George, Robert Repetto and Rodney Sobin (91) Unwelcome Harvest: Agriculture and Pollution. Conway, Gordon R. (91) Wildlife and Habitats in Managed Landscapes. Rodiek, Jon E. and Eric G. Bolen, ed. (90) Windbreak Technology: Proceedings of an International Symposium. Brandle, J.R., D.L. Hintz and J.W. Sturrock, ed. (88) World Resources 1992-1993. World Resources Institute (92) Dear cover-crop interestees: There goes my thesis material. I want to clarify that I did this in California, not in the tropics, which is where I am now. However, I am very interested in sustainable agriculture in the tropics. I did my M.S. thesis on the agroecology of homegarden agroforestry systems in Nicaragua. So, any info or discussion relating to tropical agriculture is definitely welcome. Hope this way of sending the material works for all. sincerely, Ernesto Mendez Agroforestry Consultant CATIE/GTZ Agroforestry Proyect CATIE 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica Méndez, V.E. 1994. Use of clovers as living mulches in small-scale, low-input vegetable production. B.Sc. Thesis. California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA. USA. 39 p. ABSTRACT Living mulches, cover crops planted with a companion or cash crop, have the potential of benefiting agricultural systems by improving soil properties and adding biodiversity to agroecosystems. The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of two potential living mulch species, White Dutch clover(Trifolium repens L. cv. Dutch) and Strawberry clover(Trifolium fragiferum L. cv. Salina), and living mulch seeding time on soil properties and broccoli (Brassica oleracea group italica cv. Marathon) dry weight and yield in a low-input agricultural system. Four broccoli dry weight measurements were taken starting 3 months after transplant and at 15 day intervals in an attempt to record effects of living mulches at different stages of broccoli development. Broccoli yield was significantly lower (p£0.01) in living mulch plots than in bare plots. Soil organic matter was significantly higher (p£0.05) in pre-established mulch plots than in simultaneously seeded plots. Soil resistance was significantly greater (p£0.01) in bare plots. Plots where mulch was seeded prior to broccoli transplant resulted in lower yields than all other plots. In this experiment living mulches were beneficial to the soil system but detrimental to broccoli yield. This issue presents the challenge of adapting living mulch techniques so they do not result in crop yield loss. LITERATURE CITED Akobundu, I.O. and B.N. Okigbo. 1984. Preliminary evaluation of ground covers for use as live mulch in maize production. Field Crops Res. 8:177-186. Altieri, M.A. and M. Liebman. 1986. Insect, weed and plant disease management in multiple cropping systems. p. 183-219. In C. A. Francis (ed.) Multiple cropping systems. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York, NY. Altieri, M. A. and L. L. Schmidt. 1985. Cover crop manipulation in northern California orchards and vineyards: effects on arthropod communities. Biol. Agric. and Hort. 3:1-24. Anonymous. 1981. The concept of living mulch. Am. Vegetable Grower 29:38,40,42,44,46,61. Andow, D.A., A.G. Nicholson, H.C. Wien and H.R. Wilson. 1986. Insect populations on cabbage grown with living mulches. Environmental Entomology 15:293-299. Baker, D.C. and D.W. Norman. 1990. The farming systems research and extension approach to small farm development. p. 91-104. In M. A. Altieri and S.B. Hecht. Agroecology and small farm development. CRC press. Boca Raton, Fla. Bugg, R.L., F.L. Wackers, K.E. Brunson, J.D. Dutcher and S.C. Phatak. 1991. Cool-season cover crops relay intercropped with cantaloupe: influence on a generalist predator, Geocoris punctipes (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). J. Econ. Entom. 84:408-416. Coleman, E. 1989. The new organic grower. Chelsea Green. Chelsea, VT. Elkins, D., D. Frederking, R. Marashi and B. McVay. 1983. Living mulch for no-till corn and soybeans. J. of Soil and Water Cons. 8:431-433. Enache, A. J. and R. D. Ilnicki. 1990. Weed control by subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) used as a living mulch. Weed Tech. 4:534-538. Fawzy, M. 1992. Establishment techniques for living mulches in transplanted vegetable production. M.S. thesis. Cal Poly Univ., San Luis Obispo, CA. Fischer, A. and L. Burrill. 1993. Managing interference in a sweet corn-white clover living mulch system. Am. J. of Alt. Ag. 8:51-56. Francis, C. A., 1986. Introduction: distribution and importance of multiple cropping. p. 1-19. In C. A. Francis (ed.) Multiple cropping systems. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York, NY. Fukuoka, M., 1985. The natural way of farming: the theory and practice of green philosophy. Japan Publications. New York, NY. Grubinger, V. P. and P.L. Minotti. 1990. Managing white clover living mulch for sweet corn production with partial rototilling. Am. J. of Alt. Ag. 5:4-12. Hartl, W. 1989. Influence of undersown clovers on weeds and on the yield of winter wheat in organic farming. Agric. Ecosystems and Environ. 27:389-396. Khan, M. J., E. J. Monke and G. R. Foster. 1988. Mulch cover and canopy effect on soil loss. Trans. of the ASAE 31:706-711. Lanini, W. T., J. M. Shribbs and C. E. Elmore. 1988. Orchard floor mulching trials in the U.S.A. Components 1:5-6. Latheef, M. A., J. H. Ortiz and A.Q. Sheikh. 1984. Influence of intercropping on Phyllotreta cruciferae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations on collard plants. J. Econ. Ento. 77:1180-1184. Miller, R. W. and R. L. Donahue. 1990. Soils, an introduction to soils and plant growth. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Nabhan, G., M. Slater and L. Yarger. 1990. New crops for small farmers in marginal lands? wild chiles as a case study. p. 19-26. In M. A. Altieri and S.B. Hecht. Agroecology and small farm development. CRC press. Boca Raton, Fla. Paul, E. A. and F. E. Clark. 1989. Soil microbiology and biochemistry.Academic Press. San Diego, CA. Plucknett, D. L. and N. J. H. Smith. 1986. Historical perspectives on multiple cropping. p. 20-39. In C. A. Francis (ed.) Multiple cropping systems. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York, NY. Regnier, E. E. and R. R. Janke. 1990. Evolving strategies for managing weeds. p. 174-203. In C. A. Edwards, R. Lal, P. Madden, R. H. Miller and G. House (eds.) Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankemy, IA. Sarrantonio, M. 1992. Opportunities and challenges for the inclusion of soil-improving crops in vegetable production systems. HortScience 27:757-758. Savory, A. 1988. Holistic resource management. Island Press. Washington, DC. Scott, T. W., J. Mt. Pleasant, R. F. Burt and D. J. Otis. 1987. Contributions of ground cover, dry matter and nitrogen from intercrops and cover crops in a corn polyculture system. Agron. J. 79:792-798. Stewart, R. H., K. W. Lynch and E. M. White. 1980. The effect of growing clover cultivars in association with barley cultivars upon grain yield of the barley crop in the year of sowing and the subsequent year. J. Agric. Sci. 95:715-720. Stirzaker, R. J., B. G. Sutton and N. Collis-George. 1992. Soil management for irrigated vegetable production. I. the growth of processing tomatoes following soil preparation by cultivation, zero-tillage and an in situ-grown mulch. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 44:817-829. Tomar, J. S., A. F. MacKenzie, G. R. Mhuys and I. Alli. 1988. Corn growth with foliar nitrogen, soil-applied nitrogen and legume intercrops. Agron. J. 80:802-807. Vrabel, T. E., P. L. Minotti and R. D. Sweet. 1983. Regulating competition from white clover in a sweet corn living mulch system. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. Abstracts 23:4. White J. G. and T. W. Scott. 1991. Effects of perennial forage-legume living mulches on no-till winter wheat and rye. Field Crops Res. 28:135-148. From: Steve Diver To: Subject: Agroforestry Resources for Permaculture Bookshelf Agroforestry Resources for the Permaculturists' Bookshelf May 1997 ============================================ Key Forestry Resources: ============================================ Fowells, H.A. 1965. Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States. Agriculture Handbook No. 271. Forest Service, USDA. 762 p. Little, Elbert L., Jr. 1979. Checklist of United States Trees (Native and Naturalized). Agriculture Handbook No. 541. Forest Service, USDA 375 p. Schopmeyer, C.S. 1974. Seeds of the Woody Plants in the United States. Agriculture Handbook No. 450. Forest Service, USDA. 883 p. Van Dersel, W.R. 1938. Native Woody Plants of the United States: Their Erosion-Control and Wildlife Values. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 303. 362 p. Young, James A., and Cherly G. Young. 1992. Seeds of Woody Plants of North America. Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR. 407 p. Seeds of Woody Plants of North America is a greatly revised edition of the legendary U.S.D.A. Agriculture Handbook No. 450, Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States. The new edition covers twice the genera of plants, including new material on native plants used in environmental plantings and Asian plant materials of importance. The focus is on propagation from seed; vegetative propagation is not covered. Presentation of material is condensed, however, and access to the U.S.D.A. edition may be helpful for literature citations, taxonomic information, tables, and chapters on seed biology, genetics, pollen handling, and harvesting and storage procedures. Seeds of Woody Plants of North America lists for $49.95 from Timber Press. Contact: Timber Press, Inc. 9999 S.W. Wilshire, Suite 123 Portland, OR 97225 (800) 327-5680 ========================================== Key Agroforestry Proceedings ========================================== 1. Ehrenreich, John H., Dixie L. Ehrenreich, and Harry W. Lee (ed.) 1996. Building a Sustainable Future: Proceedings of the 4th North American Agroforestry Conference. Held July 1995 in Boise, Idaho. 200 p. Topics covered in the proceedings include: agroforestry potential, biology of temperate agroforestry systems, economics of agroforestry, temperate agroforestry cropping systems, riparian buffer strips, silvopastoral systems, alley cropping and intercropping, and windbreaks and shelterbelts. Cost is $40, checks payable to University of Idaho at: Dr. John Ehrenreich College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Stations University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83844-1135 Tel: 208-885-7600 Fax: 208-885-5878 Email: 2. Schultz, Richard C. and Joe P.Calletti (ed.) 1994. Opportunities for Agroforestry in the Temperate Zone Worldwide. Proceedings of the Third North American Temperate Agroforestry Conference. Held August 1993 in Ames, Iowa. Order Opportunities for Agroforestry in the Temperate Zone Worldwide from: Department of Forestry 251 Bessey Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-1021 515-294-1166 3. Rietveld, W.J. 1995. Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems: Symposium Proceedings. Held August 7-10, 1994 in Fort Collins, Colorado. General Technical Report RM-GTR-261. USDA-Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 276 p. Topics in the proceedings include: riparian buffer systems, soil bioengineering--the use of dormant woody planting for slope protection, windbreak systems, living snowfences, trees and pasture, agroforestry and wildlife, status of agroforestry in 5 agroclimatic regions of the U.S., agroforestry-enhanced biodiversity, conservation trees, and much more. A major contribution organized and sponsored by the U.S.D.A. 4. Garret, H.E. (ed.) 1991. The 2nd Conference on Agroforestry in North America. The School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 5. Williams, Peter (ed.) 1989. Agroforestry in North America: Proceedings of the First Conference on Agroforestry in North America. Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. ============================================ Key Resource Centers, Periodicals & Organizations ============================================ The National Agroforestry Center Rocky Mountain and Range Experiment Station University of Nebraska - East Campus Lincoln, NE 68583-0822 402-437-5178 Publishes Inside Agroforestry newsletter, provides technical assistance to landowners on windbreaks and agroforestry, sponsors research, distributes literature. Association for Temperate Agroforestry (AFTA) c/o Dr. Deborah Hill, Treasurer Forestry Department University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0073 $25/year membership fee includes subscription to The Temperate Agroforester The Temperate Agroforester , quarterly newsletter Association for Temperate Agroforestry P.O. Box 266 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Agroforestry Today ICRAF Subscriptions P.O. Box 46 Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 4TS England $40/4 issues per year Agroforestry Today is a quarterly magazine that carries reports from around the world on farming systems that focus on the integration of trees, crops, and livestock, and the people who raise them. It is one of the leading voices for agroforestry worldwide. While the content deals mostly with sub-tropical and tropical agroforestry, much of the information has universal applications (e.g., mycorrhizae, on-farm research methods, soil-plant interactions, tree establishment methods, etc.) ============================================ Compiled by Steve Diver ============================================ -- Book: "Food From Dryland Gardens" - An ecological, nutritional and social approach to small-scale household food production - By: David A. Cleveland and Daniela Soleri Published by: Center For People, Food and Environment (CPFE) 344 South Third Avenue Tuscon, Arizona, 85701, USA with support from the United Nations Children's Fund, New York, NY USA Copyright 1991 by DAC and DS ISBN: 0-9627997-0-X <><> Cornucopia is an 8.5 x 11-inch softcover book, containing 713 pages and wasd originally published in 1990 as _Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants_ by Steve Facciola. An updated version called _Cornucopia II_ was released for sale for $40 + $5 shipping in December 1998. _Cornucopia II_ lists as many of the edible plants as possible available world-wide, including their sources. _Cornucopia II_ table of contents: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _Cornucopia II: A Source Book of Edible Plants_ by Stephen Facciola (ISBN 0-9628087-2-5), published in 1998, is a large 8.5 x 11-inch (22x28-centimeter) softcover, 713-page book and is published by Kampong Publications. <><> The Permaculture Quarterly, c/o Terry White, 37 Goldsmith St., Maryborough, Victoria 3465, Australia. The international permaculture journal, with in-depth articles on various permaculture techniques and activities around the world. The Permaculture Observer, 6488 Maxwelton Rd., Clinton, Washington, 98236. This is the newsletter of the newly formed Permaculture Institute of North America - reporting on permaculture design and methods in North America. Starting publication date is March, 1985. Mollison, Bill and David Holmgren, Permaculture One (Corgi Books, 1978, $12.50). Mollison, Bill, Permaculture Two (Tagari Books, 1979, $10.95). These books are responsible for the expanding permaculture movement. Philosophy, principles, and specific design information are detailed in both. Written in Australia, many of the species recommendations are relevant only for the southern hemisphere, yet the books are important reading for all. Both are available from the International Tree Crops Institute, PO Box 666, Winters, CA 95694. Fukuoka, Masanobu, The One Straw Revolution (Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1978, $9.95). A Japanese natural farmer tells of his philosophies and techniques - perhaps the most important philosophical work on agriculture ever written. Smister, Carol, Nature's Design (Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1982). This is the ideal guide book for those interested in developing site analysis prior to creating a landscape design. Though not addressing permaculture design, per se, the step by step site analysis procedure described is invaluable. Alexander, Christopher et al., A Pattern Language (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977). This pudgy, expensive book (about $35) is worth every penny to those remodeling or landscaping, and is a must for those working in the fields of architecture, landscape design, and community design. Human and environmental needs are laid out simply, such as "Southeast sun in the kitchen" with an explanation and design suggestions. This is followed by linkages to other patterns such as kitchen garden, and breakfast nook. Korn, Larry, Barbara Snyder, and Mark Musick, eds., The Future Is Abundant (Tilth Assn., 4649 Sunnyside North, Seattle, WA 98103, 1982, $12.95). A resource guide for sustainable agriculture. The numerous addresses and references can save hours of library research and an extensive species index will be of great use to those in the Pacific Northwest (USA). Altieri, Miguel, Agroecology: The Scientific Basis Of Alternative Agriculture (self-published, 1983, $11.00, order from 1050 San Pablo Ave., Albany, Ca. 94706). A textbook that describes the science behind ecological agriculture. Quinney, John, "Designing Sustainable Small Farms And Homesteads" in MOTHER EARTH NEWS, July/August 1984, p. 54. Covers the design principles, guidelines, as well as the design process. <><> wrote: There is room for standard designs, but the > best standard designs with respect to plant selection are species matrices > such as published in the old and still unequalled publication by TILTH, The > Future is Abundant. <><> "Secrets of Plant Propagation" - Start your own flowers, vegetabls, fruits, berries, shrubs,trees and houseplants - By Lewis Hill - American Horticultural Society - Voted one of America's 75 best garden books - Storey Publishing Pownal, Vermont 05261 $16.95 US ISBN 0-88266-370-4 paperback