Get Involved
Want to help transform mind uploading from fiction to fact?
If mind uploading is ever going to
become a reality, there is clearly a lot of work to be done. Some of this
work requires further development of technology, but much of it can begin
I've tentatively formed a "Mind Uploading Research Group". This is
a loose collection of students and amateur or professional scientists
and engineers working towards this common goal. The members
act in a variety of roles:
- Readers to skim a range of journals and point out
articles which might relate to uploading
- Computer scientists to develop, locate,
or refine image-processing algorithms, simulation software, etc.
- Programmers to translate those algorithms into nice
neat applications for a various platforms
- Physicists to keep us informed on scanner
technology, ponder the possibility of quantum computing, etc.
- Neurobiologists to provide real biological data for
the team to chew on
- Computational Neuroscientists to stay abreast of
neural simulation techniques
- Writers to describe what's going on and disseminate
information in a clear and understandable manner
If you're interested, you could serve one role or several, as you
choose. If you think you might like
to help, please write to me at this address:
Towards the future,
Joe Strout
murg.html . . . . . . . . 7/18/96 . . . . . . .
Joe Strout