Mina Margeurite ditte

Gender: female
Race: black
Birthplace: Mina
Age (when this record was documented): 24.0
Other comments: sale of half share "moitie" in plantation in Bonne Carre 13 lgs from N.O., structures, tools, buildings, animals and 33 slaves, "edifices, outel, bastiment, animaux"

Selling Information
Name of the Seller: Henry Dukeilus
Name of the Buyer: Jean LeBouche
Grouping: sold or inventoried in a group
Selling Currency: P
Selling Value: 12000
Selling Value: 12000

Document: Information of the document that these records were retrieved.
Document Location: Orleans (including Chapitoulas).[Jefferson 1825]
Document Date: 1809-04-10
Document Number (from the document): 153
Notary Name: Pierre Pedasclaux
Coder (person that encoded this record: Philip McLeod
Type of document:
Any documents involving maroons, including reports of runaways, interrogation of caputred runaways, and testimony by slaves about runaways: no
Language: French
Is this document of linguistic interest?: no
Is this inventory or sale of an estate of a free person of African descent?: no

Skill and Trade Information


Family Information
Was this slave inventoried with his/her mother?: no
Was this slave sold with his/her mother?: no

Importation Information
Language group of Africans: : Gbe(Fon/Arada/Aja/Mina)
Was this slave being emancipated?: no
Slave listed as dead?: no