
Gender: female
Race: black
Age (when this record was documented): 18.0

Selling Information
Name of the Seller: Cox & Daniel
Name of the Buyer: Sosthene & Valerien Allein
Grouping: sold or inventoried in a group
Selling Currency: D
Selling Value: 30000
Selling Value: 30000

Document: Information of the document that these records were retrieved.
Document Location: Pointe Coupee
Document Date: 1818-04-17
Document Number (from the document): 1
Notary Name: LDS Film 0876571
Coder (person that encoded this record: Philip McLeod
Type of document:
Any documents involving maroons, including reports of runaways, interrogation of caputred runaways, and testimony by slaves about runaways: no
Language: English
Is this document of linguistic interest?: no
Is this inventory or sale of an estate of a free person of African descent?: no

Skill and Trade Information


Family Information
Was this slave inventoried with his/her mother?: no
Was this slave sold with his/her mother?: no

Importation Information
Was this slave being emancipated?: no
Slave listed as dead?: no