Applet Library

Alphabetical Listing of Project Links Applets

The reaction is a transformation. The rate law is v=k[A] (first order in A, and first order overall). As you increase or decrease the concentration of A by moving the slider the reaction increases or decreases. The rate constant here is in inverse seconds (s^-1 or hertz).

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta
R and B are reacting to form P. This rate law is v=k[R][B] (first order in R and first order in B, second order overall).

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: alpha
One Y is reacting with two Bs to form one G. The rate law is v=k[Y][B].

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: alpha
The Amplitude-Frequency Plotter (AFPlotter) applet allows the user to choose various values of the forcing frequency for a certain selected natural frequency. The purpose of this activity is to explore the relationships between both amplitude and frequency (which is known as a Bode Plot), and phase angle and frequency.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Teera Fa-Gon
State: alpha

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Angela Graveline
State: beta
This applet calculates how wieghts on a balance will fall, or not fall as the case may be. It takes into consideration the weight, and distance from the fulcrum of the balance.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: George Stockfisch, Seth Santos
State: beta
The Beats applet allows the user to explore the behavior of the undamped forced spring mass system. By choosing the forcing frequency, natural frequency, and amplitude, one can examine the behavior of the system. In this particular case where the forcing frequency is not equal to the natural frequency, this phenomenon, known as beating, occurs and is illustrated by the applet.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost, Teera Fa-Gon
State: beta
The Bicycle Frame Angle Analysis applet allows one to understand how the vector dot product can be used to find angles between two vectors. A position vector is created from each bicycle tubular member and the angle between any two members is calculated via the dot product and is displayed by the applet. Bike frame geometry can be varied limitlessly by dragging the frame joints to new positions. All the while the angles are continuously updated permitting the student to perceive the relationship between geometry and the dot product.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey, Shannon Pixley
State: beta
The Bicycle Pedal applet allows one to better understand how moments (torques) develop and are useful by examining their role in pedaling a bicycle. The user can move the bicycle pedal and crank to any position in a normal cycle and apply forces. The resulting torque is displayed on the pedal. Data from several positions can be used to animate the pedal or the pedal can be animated from experimental pedaling data. The numerical values of all forces and moments and their components can be displayed as well as plotted versus crank angle.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
The Bicycle Pedal applet allows one to better understand how moments (torques) develop and are useful by examining their role in pedaling a bicycle. The user can move the bicycle pedal and crank to any position in a normal cycle and apply forces. The resulting torque is displayed on the pedal. Data from several positions can be used to animate the pedal or the pedal can be animated from experimental pedaling data. The numerical values of all forces and moments and their components can be displayed as well as plotted versus crank angle.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: alpha
The Budget Optimization Applet allows you to animate a level curve, which corresponds to the production level, as constrained to a budget line. A production level meter indicates relative production levels achieved at any given point along the budget line. Illustrates the concept that a maximal production level occurs when the level curve is tangent to the constraint.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Tony Chiu
State: beta
Introduces a functionally infinite volume sink separated from the single chamber by a semi-permeable membrane. The user selects the permeability of the membrane and the initial concentration of solute in the single chamber. Then the applet plots the concentration of solute in the single chamber over time as it decreases due to the presence of the sink. The applet takes in as parameters: TimeStep: Used in the First Order Non-Coupled Differential Equation as delta_T (given as a float) NumContainers: Deligates how many buckets the program is going to look for (given as an integer) C_i:Each bucket, where i corresponds to the current and unique bucket number. The vaue tag contains a string delimited by ','(commas) as follows: Initial Volume: An inital volume for that current bucket. If the volume is -1.0, that bucket is said to be infinite in volume. Given as a float. Initial Mass: The initial mass of the dye in the dye bucket. If the volume is -1.0, this value is ignored. Given as a float Plot Color: The color you want to represent this bucket in the plot. Given as a pre-defined Java Color.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Frank McDermott, George Stockfisch, Christopher Parker
State: alpha
This applet demonstrates how chemical equilibruim will shift from left to right depending on the concentration of each component of the reaction I2 + H2 --> 2HI.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta
This applet demonstrates probability in the form of a coin toss. The user has the choice of tossing one to three coins and the odds of heads, tails, or a combination of the two on various coins is displayed. The user is also offered PMF and CDF plots to further demonstrate the probabilities of outcomes.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Tony Chiu
State: beta
Below is an interactive illustration with two parallel plates of area A, separated by a distance d and containing two conducting materials. You can vary the amounts of each material by clicking on the resistor; the dividing line jumps to where you clicked. You can change their resistivities with the choosers labeled "rho1" and "rho2". Choosing "Inf" gives the material infinite resistivity, that is, it becomes a perfect insulator.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
This applet demonstrates calculating conditional probability using an example of differentiating defective computer chips from good ones and representing the results in various histograms.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: njokui, Henry Koo
State: beta
This applet demonstrates an example of a small business in the context on constrained optimization. The goal is to find the maximum production level achieved within a given budget, and the budget's distribution of funds between labor and equipment. The user drags the production function around on top of the budget constraint line and determines when production reaches it's maximum by referring to a bar measuring it.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
This applet demonstrates the uniform, normal, or exponential distribution of continuous random variables. It takes minimum, maximum and the number of points from the user and plots the probability distribution function and the cummulative distribution function.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson, Shannon Pixley
State: beta
The contour applet asks the user to draw the vector of the contour at 3 points. The user then presses the answer button, and the correct vectors are displayed.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This very simple applet presents images of graphs and prompts the user to venture a guess as to whether they are actually different representations of the same graph. The purpose of the applet is to demonstrate that graphs that look very different may in actuality be "the same" (isomorphic).

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Jan Kratky
State: beta
This applet demonstrates the effects of variation of lambda on poisson distribution and the frequency of occurence of certain values.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
This applet displays objects falling based on the falling medium. It calculates and graphs the velocity and acceleration of each object and allows the user to compare the speeds and accelerations of the two objects.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
This applet demonstrates a drilling scheme proposed in the Graph Theory | Industrial Drilling module. The module user is able to examine the succession of drilling on a click-per-step basis, or view a threaded animation of the entire drilling process.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Jan Kratky
State: beta
This applet demonstrates the role average daily demand plays in average daily cost and percent losses in an inventory control problem. It shows the results in the form of a scattergram, fixed order point, or fixed order size.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
The Eyemount applet shows force vectors applied to an eyemount as a demonstration of the fundamentals of vector mathematics. Any number of force vectors, represented by their magnitude and direction or their Cartesian components, can be applied to an eyemount. The resultant vector, found by vector addition, and its components can be calculated and displayed. The user can choose between no axes, conventional horizontal-vertical x and y axes or x and y axes with a second set of axes which can be rotated at any angle with respect to the x and y axes. This set of axes allows one to see the variable nature of components as the axes with respect to which they are defined change.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
The electric and magnetic field applets use every possible combination of mouse buttons and modifier keys (these are sometimes called chords) to do interesting things. There are too many of them to list in each module, so the complete list is here ( for easy reference. Applet demonstrates properties of point particles.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This applet simulates the electric field of positively and negatively charged point particles and demonstrates their field lines as they interact with one another.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
The Forced Spring Mass applet uses the analytical solution of the motion to predict the behavior of the system. In this applet, the user can change various parameters, including the mass, spring constant, and forcing frequency, to examine how the behavior of the system is affected by changing certain model parameters.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Teera Fa-Gon
State: beta
This applet demonstrates the sound waves of undamped vibrating strings on a graph. The user clicks the buttons at the bottom of the applet to superimpose different sinusoidal functions. Once the user is familiar with the way these functions interact, the user tries one of the three "test your skills" buttons. G(x) made up of the four sinusoidal functions are provided here and the task is to remove components until the gets a constant zero function.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This applet is a follow up to fourier-series-trog. It allows the user to select the amplitude base from a more continuous range of values and play the resulting sound. Ultimately the student will learn to calculate the amplitude using Fourier series instead of using these trial and error methods.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak, Angela Graveline
State: alpha
The Free Body Diagram applet takes the student through all of the steps of idealizing a physical system to create a free body diagram (FBD). The applet guides the student through a series of questions which asks the students to make choices about which types of forces to apply and prompts him/her to choose to correct location on the diagram. In this manner students can methodically dissect a system into three workable free body diagrams which could be used to solve for the reaction forces of interest in the problem.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: alpha

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Henry Koo, Diana Law
State: beta
This applet simulates the output of Geiger counter sounds. It then demonstrates how the sounds follows a Poissen distribution. The user must view the output and mark the events to estimate lambda.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta
This applet makes use of the package links.applet.graph to display a graph and run an animation of the progression of a specified algorithm on that graph. Javadoc documentation of the links.applet.graph package, which allows for creation of both logical and visual representations of graphs, is available. The purpose of the applet is to demonstrate the operation of various algorithms an different graphs.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Jan Kratky
State: alpha
This applet makes the mathematical formulas displayable in the graph isomorphism module.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This applet simulates heat flow between two boundaries with different controlled levels of heat which are determined by the user.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
The Image Magnification Applet allows you to display one of several pre-programmed images, and then click to "zoom in" and see the pixels that make up the digital image. On the last click, the applet displays the gray level values on top of each pixel. Illustrates that digital images are made up of much smaller elements called pixels.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: JJ Johns
State: beta
The Image Noise Applet allows you to display one of several pre-programmed images, and then add uniform or Gaussian noise to the image. You can compare visually the effects of adding noise to images. The original image is displayed in a separate window for side-by-side comparison with the "noisy" image.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson, JJ Johns
State: beta
This applet shows the user an EMF reading as various parts of a plain bar magnet pass under a reader.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
This applet demonstrates how an integral's measures of area under the curve and centroid become increasingly accurate as the slices sampled get progressively smaller and more numerous in size.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta
This applet demonstrates various types of lines. It allows the user to add, move, or delete a point on the line. They are given the of line types that are linear, cubic spline, newton, and spline.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This applet allows the user to explore the magnetic field of a current carrying wire.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
The user is given a choice of level curve, gradient, surface, and formula, and has to match the two sides. A window pops up and tells the student if their guess is correct.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This applet helps the user explore 2 x 2 matrices.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Warren Weckesser
State: beta
This applet demonstrates how to find the inverse of a two-by-two matrix. If matrix A is given, and the user knows that AxB = I, then this applet will help the user solve for B.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
This applet shows the user how to multiply two matrices. The user can select any dimensions from 1-4 four times to dictate the size of the matrix, and the applet displays the product of the matrices entered.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
This applet allows the user to rotate a vector by either entering in new x-y coordinates or a new angle. The applet returns the tranformed x-y coordinates.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
This applet allows you to explore the application of linear algebra to the analysis of mechanical systems with two degrees of freedom.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Warren Weckesser
State: beta
The Mountain Biker Weight applet demonstrates how the weight of a mountain biker varies depending on the height of the mountain he is biking on, according to Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. The mountain biker's mass and eventual mountain height can be varied while his weight is plotted as a function of altitude as he ascends the mountain. The affects of smaller and larger planetary masses and radii are demonstrated by choosing to mountain bike on several different planets or the moon.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Frank McDermott
State: beta
This applet demonstrates multiple matrix transformations on a 2-d plane. The user can add or delete additional matrices.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Christopher Munn
State: beta
The Navigation Chart Applet simulates a navigation chart and tools that ship captains might use in order to navigate their ships. It allows you to use a compass to draw circles and a ruler to draw lines in order to navigate to the closest shore position. A relative distance meter enables you to estimate ship-to-shore distances. The objective is to explore a specific application of constrained optimization: a ship's optimal navigation path when constrained to a shoreline.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Tony Chiu
State: beta
The Navigation Optimization Applet allows you to view the relative distance from ship to shore via a line drawn from ship to shore and a relative distance meter. At each point along the shoreline, the local normal to the shore is also shown. Illustrates the concept that a minimal distance occurs when the local normal to the constraint is aligned with the minimum distance to shore.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Tony Chiu
State: beta
The user specifies the initial velocity and pendulum length, and then presses the kick button. In the left window the phase plane, corresponding to this particular choice of initial velocity, is displayed with a plot of velocity versus theta. The right window contains a graphical display of the index of the equilibrium point versus the initial velocity.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost, Dave Cooper
State: beta
This applet demonstrates how a candle appears when it goes through a convex or concave lens, or both.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
This applet allows the user to see the change in accuracy for measuring the full signal's energy depending on number of oscillators used in this equation from zero to infinity (integration).

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Luke Bellandi
State: beta
This applet allows the user to enter the length of the rod, mass of bob, initial angular velocity and initial angle. It then animates the pendulum's motion and plots displacement and angular velocity versus time and angular velocity versus displacement.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost, Dave Cooper
State: beta
This applet simulates nonlinearity of the mathematical model of this module. The user specifies the pendulum length and starting angle. They then press the "get period" button, which displays the movement of the pendulum in theta versus time. The user then has the option of displaying period versus initial angle in a graph.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost, Dave Cooper
State: beta
The Piston Applet allows you to vary the volume of gas inside a piston and observe the corresponding change in temperature.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: JJ Johns
State: beta
The Regression Analysis Applet allows you to plot a line based on its equation and then add uniform or Gaussian noise to the data points. The applet determines the best fit of a line to the "noisy" data points. Illustrates how noise affects data.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Henry Koo
State: beta
This applet simulates a RLC circuit. The user sets the resistance, inductance and capacitance and the time frame, and the applet displays graphs of the voltages, current, and charge.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
This applet helps the student investigate the effect of noise on binary signals. Specifically, it has the user walk through this with an example ofa burglar alarm and responding to false versus real alarms.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta
This applet demonstrates a sound wave with it's unknown base amplitude at various points multiplied by +1, 0, or -1. The student is then allowed to play the resulting sound wave.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak, Angela Graveline
State: alpha
This applet allows the user to see how angle and field strength affect flux. The user sets two angles, theta and phi. The applet then plots flux versus angle.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
The Simple Uniform Flux applet shows a closed, planar loop in a vector field that may represent the flow of water. The inclination of the loop can be varied in both the theta and phi directions, the viewing angle can be manipulated to gain a better perspective of the system, and the field strength may be modified as well. The projected area of the loop normal to the flow direction is also displayed (both visually and numerically). Students can use the applet to see what characteristics of the loop affect the flow rate through the loop. The applet also provides the ability to plot the flux through the loop versus the angle theta, phi, or both, allowing the student to discover that the flux depends on the area, and has cosine dependence upon the angle of orientation. They should also come to understand that it is the projected area that matters.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey
State: beta
The Sine + Cosine Applet allows users to plot a sine wave and a cosine wave on the same set of axes, and then provides the opportunity for the user to guess the sum of the two by "drawing" on the screen with the mouse. The user has the ability to show the correct sum of the sine and cosine waves.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost, Mark Watson
State: alpha
Reviews the simple case of mixing one solute (mass) source and one solvent source inside a single container. The mass of solute and volume of solvent are user selected and are subsequently mixed in the single chamber. The applet calculates the concentration of solute in the solvent and plots it on a graph. Instantaneous mixing is assumed.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Frank McDermott, George Stockfisch, Christopher Parker
State: alpha
This applet demonstrates how two different skiers taking different initial angles on a hill while "skiing the fall line" (see gradient module) will take varying times to get down the hill. A second part of the applet traces the line each skier takes in their descent down the hill.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Luke Bellandi, Jeffrey E. Care
State: beta
Simulation of a skydiver (or, optionally, a sphere) falling in air. User controls parameters such as mass of the skydiver, height of the drop, and drag coefficient. As the skydiver falls, his velocity and acceleration are plotted against height. Optionally, the applet can be instructed to show the object reaching terminal velocity.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mark Watson
State: beta
This applet simulates a sky diver falling and plots acceleration and velocity versus time during the fall.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
Snell's Law applet demonstrates the law for a variety of surfaces on both sides including air, a vacuum, water, etc.. The user clicks where the light should come from, and the angles of reflection and incidence are displayed visually.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
This applet provides a graphical interface through which a user can begin to convince herself that Sperner's Lemma really does hold.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Jan Kratky
State: beta
This simulates a sphere of 1 nC, uniformly distributed throughout the it. The sphere has a radius of 100 mm. The user stretches the radius of the sphere, and the corresponding charge enclosed (in v/M) is displayed with the diameter.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Mike Malak
State: beta
This applet pops up with a simple spreadsheet. It has the addition and equal functions and shows the user how to enter simple values and add cells together. Has issues.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Tony Chiu
State: alpha
The Spring Mass Applet enables the user to select parameter values (spring constant, damping coefficient, and mass) and initial data (position and velocity), and then to observe an animation of the corresponding spring-mass system. Outputs are graphs of position versus time, velocity versus time, and velocity versus position. Both damped and undamped systems are included in the applet.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost, Dan Manthey, Dave Cooper, Teera Fa-Gon
State: beta
This model demonstrates how a spring pendulum works. The student sets the angle of release, length, distance and k and the pendulum oscillates on the screen. The applet then plots r versus theta and theta and r versus time.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Matt Kost
State: beta
This applet shows the two dimensional spring pendulum: a mass suspended on a spring. The pendulum moves under the influence of gravity and the elastic force of the spring. One can drag the pendulum to it's starting position. Once in motion, the pendulum can be 'caught' by clicking and holding the mass.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Sergey Kiselev, Tanya Yanovsky-Kiselev
State: alpha
This applet demonstrates how to stretch a vector. The user is allowed to visually "stretch" the vector on a 2-d plane with the mouse, grabbing the blue dot. When the update A button is pressed, or auto is checked, a matrix with the adjustment is displayed. Eigen values and Eigen vectors are also displayed.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
This applet demonstrates how to multiply two matrices. It is assumed the matrices are of the same size.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
Builds upon the Single Chamber case by adding a second primary mixing container and a secondary mixing container. The contents of each primary mixing container, having one solute and solvent source, are mixed and then their contents are mixed in the secondary mixing chamber. The applet calculates the concentration of solute in each container and plots it on a graph.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Frank McDermott, George Stockfisch, Christopher Parker
State: alpha
This applet demonstrates how to transform a point using a 2x2 matrix. The user enters the first point, and adjusts the matrix. The second point reflects the matrix transformation.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
This applet uses a 2x2 matrix to transform a rectangle. The user may adjust the starting points on the rectangle and modify the transformational matrix. The 2-d graph adjusts itself appropriately and displays the coordinates of the transformed rectangle next to it.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
The applet below will help you get a better feel for the direction of the gradient in relation to three-dimensional graphs and level curves.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Shannon Pixley
State: beta
The user may click the buttons at the bottom of the applet to superimpose (add together) different sinusoidal functions. Once they are familiar with the way these functions interact, three "test your skills" buttons are available. G(x) will be given and is made up of the four sinusoidal functions available here and your task is to remove components until you get a constant zero function.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta
The Weight Distribution to Bicycle Tires applet simulates what would happen if you sat on a bicycle and put a scale beneath either tire. As the bicycle rider shifts positions on the bike, from leaning on the handlebars to sitting back, the weight is distributed differently between the two tires. The user inputs weights on the handlebar, pedal and seats, and the weight on each tire is displayed appropriately.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: JJ Johns, Travis Spalding
State: beta
The user is presented with a two dimensional graphic of a delta wing, viewed from the top and the bottom, with an appropriate discrete pressure function shown, both visually and numerically, on the wing. The user has the ability to modify the refinement of the discrete pressure function and see the effect that their modifications have on the overall pressure above and below the wing. This leads the student from the notion of a discrete sum to that of a surface integral.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
Programmers: Dan Manthey, Christopher Parker
State: beta
When the show buttons for x=1, 4, 9 are depressed, the isotherms (contour curves) are displayed on the graph. The "answer" button displays the heat flux vectors at the given points. This applet allows students to check their work on problems 20-22 on the heat flow module.

Linked from: LinkedModulesGoHere
State: beta


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