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Re: [SANET-MG] testing of human subjects EPA uses the Mengele paradigm

Hi Dale,
Thanks for the interesting points. The key issue is "not expected" to have adverse impacts. The problem is that toxicologists from corporations are famous for not expecting adverse effects and they are certainly rewarded handsomely for loony optimism. Human testing might work with effective informed consent and the participation of truly independent experts such as Sam Epstein or Arpad Pusztai who have the integrity to steadfastly point out risks in the face of corporate pressure. Human testing should only be allowed after fully reported (striped of CBI) animal tests including final tests on non-human primates. What EPA seem to be doing is returning to days when prisoners were used in test or earlier to the concentration camps where prisoners had no choice but to participate in tests.
Sincerely, Joe
Dale Wilson wrote:
Hi Joe,

The testing of human subjects is considered very important by corporations and their subordinants in EPA. The argument posed
below is truly a goofy one.  "The study is not expected to to
cause serious or irreversible harm to the subjects" in particular
is a self serving approach.

Pesticide Testing on Human Subjects: Weighing Benefits and Risks
David B. Resnik1 and Christopher Portier2

http://dx.doi.org/ doi:10.1289/ehp.7720 available via

I agree that routine use of human subjects to determine NOAEL (no
observable adverse effect level) is unwise.  But what do you think
about pharmacokinetic studies on humans that use very low doses?  Such
studies can strengthen animal-based estimates of NOAEL by verifying
relevance of the animal model.


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