[compost_tea] What's in a name?

From: Susan Cruver <scruver_at_msn.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:11:42 -0800

During the lifetime of this list, the name of that liquid we all produce ha=
s been discussed regularly. We settled on actively aerated compost tea, so=
mewhat reluctantly given the association with unaerated compost tea and man=
ure teas.

Keeyla Meadows, a one-of-a-kind landscape designer and artist from the San =
Francisco Bay Area (see her fabulous book "Making Gardens Works of Art", Sa=
squatch Books, Seattle), was in Seattle this week to speak to the Northwest=
 Horticultural Society. While here, she toured gardens, spoke to many gard=
eners and was introduced to AACT as "Compost Tea." She didn't like the nam=
e either, and promptly began calling it "Compost Cocktail" (she's definitel=
y not the stereotypical lady gardener like all those famous Englishwomen). =
 Perhaps this isn't the name to adopt but it sure sounds like more fun!

Susan Cruver

Received on Fri Jan 16 2004 - 23:07:14 EST

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