Re: [compost_tea] Re: Rock Dust

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:49:18 -0800

I have said many times that there is more I don't know than I do. However,=
 it is easy to say CT does so and so without any support. If that gets cha=
llenged, which it should, all of a sudden the challenger has a closed mind.=
  This is so ridiculous. Yes anything is possible and it is easy to get mi=
sled in this area. We have people on this list who swear that CT repels sn=
ails and slugs. I was perfectly willing to believe that and asked for some=
 proof. Then I conducted a whole series of tests based on snails and repor=
ted what I found. I didn't use slugs so I didn't make claims about slugs. =
I found the exact contrary to what was being presented but I was attacked b=
y everyone including Elaine.

Let me state this: If anyone has made CT that can reliably repel snails on =
a wide spectrum of crops, they are sitting on one of the most important dis=
coveries in regards to CT since Elaine's work. The person could be an inst=
ant millionaire. Millions of home owners and commercial growers who spend =
the 2 to 3 billion they do now on snail repellants would gladly use a non-t=
oxic, plant beneficial means to get rid of snails.

So, maybe I am close minded. But wanting to believe something works is not=
 the same as something working. That is what belief is: acceptance when th=
ere is no solid proof.

If you want me to accept this premise, fine. I just don't know enough. I =
accept the premise. Titel and the snail repellant people have found someth=
ing of which I am totally unaware. It works just as they say. We don't ne=
ed testing because they say it works that way and we can just tell everybod=
y that CT works the way they say. The only reason it doesn't work for me i=
s because I am a hard-headed, ignorant disbeliever who doesn't know the fir=
st thing about brewing and applying CT. All the testing and work I have do=
ne is meaningless because these people do know. I still have to find out. =
 OK? That should satisfy you.

By the way, I suggest that you go to a vinyard and explain that if CT doesn=
't eradicate the mildew that you guarantee to pay for the conventional spra=
ying and that you will cover the crop loss they may suffer if it doesn't wo=
rk. Then go to someone infested with snails and offer to replace all the p=
lants the snails destroy if the tea doesn't work. I agree again that there =
is a lot I don't know but I have to base the application of CT on my experi=
ence. I experiment all the time to find out if these things can work. But=
 the premise that if it doesn't work it's my error rather than a misapplica=
tion of something that is incapable of solving the problem just doesn't sta=
nd. Sometime things just don't work.

Folks this is so ridiculous. If you believe, it doesn't make it so.

Ted Peterson

Received on Thu Nov 25 2004 - 23:15:47 EST

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